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Assume the following to be true regardless of any logical fallacies that our world may present.


Two people locked in a competition for a year have had fair and equal play - they both respect eachother and truth eachother to follow the rules regardless of officials regulating the match. Now a new player approaches and the match expands - to include him. The two original players both quickly realize that this additional player is not following by the rules - but have no power to banish him from the arena. The official, who regulates the matches on occasion witnesses the cheating in process but only gives the newest cheating player a most minor punishment (less than a yellow card, a warning really). But the players who have been playing for a year now object - saying that this person has been cheating the entire time they have been here, but the official just hasnt been present to observe it all. The Official blows the words of the other players off and continues to regulate. A few more unseen cheating acts later - the veteran players are sick of the cheater and begin to spout off in a way that also breaks the rules. For this, the official gives him a permanent red card - can never play in the league again.


Now naturally this is obviously ties into a player on your Hide and Seek server that I used to regularly frequent. I am saddened that the voices of regulars are unheard and that glitchers are not more harshly punished - and that instead of banning a glitcher, an admin banned myself who began to ghost the glitchers location for the entire round.


I do understand the effects of people putting the power of laws into their own hands - but really my action was more of a protest to be harsher on glitchers in general. The admins must realize that as soon as they leave the servers the glitchers just continue to ruin the game for the rest of us. On the internet no lesson is taught by slaying someone once.


So I leave it the community, who should the admin have banned? The glitcher who was confirmed to have been glitching by 50% of the server - or the regular who only wished for a better experience for others? I am not asking to be unbanned, I am paying the price for the rules that I broke and I accept that - I just pose the question in respect for the other good folks that I played with who had the same frustrations that I did.


Related: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vf7muYYQkJQ&feature=related

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I am glad you posted the demo. I think it accurately represents what I am attempting to get at.


Your Hide and seek server is unfortunately sabotaged by glitchers when you have no admin's on. Hopefully my post will cause admins to be much more strict againts glitchers.

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Moving this thread... I looked at the demo and what you did was wrong. Completely stupid and the wrong way to go about making some kind of point.

The proper action would be to (instead of breaking the rules) record a demo of the person/s glitching and submit a ban request on them.

Which is why I vote no for you.

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I am not asking to be unbanned if you actually read the original post. I am simply asking your admins to have a stricter policy on those who glitch, because while they might think they have solved the problem - the glitching just continues long after the admin logs off the server. Obviously a swift ban is not out of the question as I received one quite handedly.


Please move this back into the original forum where it was posted, as this is not an unban request.

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The only problem with recording a demo of someone and then posting it to the forums is the amount of time it takes - while I am sure admins want to be sure that all justice they do is righteous, it is impossible to keep up with the number of randoms that join the server for just a day. I am just upset that when an admin does join - he witnesses a glitcher in the act, and then other regular players confirm that he has been doing it all map (or all day) that the ban action is not taken. If the player was wrongly accused then they can easily come to these very forums and argue it, but most likely they are just another troll who will simply move onto the next server.


I wish I had taken demos of some of the players, the glitching is so bad - that everyone just leaves the server.

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