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Watch out for them metal gates!!!


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yesterday i was sat in hospital for 4 hours...

The reason was that me and a few friends of my climbed into my old school... I went to meet someone for a beer and had to climb back over... ended up with me falling back, went to grap the gate and sliced me finger... ( If you dont like blood or anything... look away :D )


This is about, 30 seconds after doing it:


You could see the bone, and after a while fatty tissue and muscle/tendons started to show... unfortunatly, you cannot see bone in this picture, but it was that deep


Go to hospital after loosing a shit load of blood, had to wait for 4 hour wait to get 8 stitches in my right index finger, took 3/4 of an hour with the nurse sticking about 5 anesthetic needles in there, which fucking hurts. i get this out come or 8 stitches and 3 or 4 strips:


All this from a fence... im never climbing again, im just hoping all heals well.


- m3rg3

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