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Good time to Invest................


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Whoa. I voted for this guy. I guess thats the last time i'm voting when uninformed.


Oh wait I wasn't uninformed, that was the rest of America.


Wait since when are you even old enough to vote? Don't dis the avg American when you can't even vote.

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Awwik, thats true, many Americans are uninformed. When I drive to visit my parents and I'm driving through Central Florida, all I hear is Rush Limbaugh on the radio. I'm lucky that I have Sirius so I can listen to Howard Stern instead but for the people that don't have it, all they hear is right wing propaganda and they vote based on that. Awwik, being 18 or older does not make people any smarter than a 13 year old. I mean look at Sarah Palin, a newborn baby has a bigger brain than her.

Edited by Billy Mays
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