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CNBC: You need 600$ to make a PC run like a Mac


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"Regular people are probably confused by the re-inflamed Mac vs. PC ad war, which now focuses on price. Never fear, CNBC's Jim Goldman breaks down the true cost of PCs. Wait, Macs come with Photoshop?


According to CNBC's Silicon Valley Bureau Chief, PCs need the following things to "perform as well as a Mac": $50 a year for anti-virus software, $104 multimedia software, $100 music software, $140 "Photoshop—you get that with Apple" and $129 for a Geek Squad visit. Over $600 worth of extra stuff. Oh, and Macs get 4x the battery life, have faster processors and a higher resolution screen.


Um. What? Last time I checked, you can get pretty decent antivirus software for free, my MacBook Pro didn't come with Photoshop, and iTunes was free on OS X and Windows. For multimedia, you've got Windows Media Center, which is also pretty free. And Picasa—hey, it's free too—isn't a bad alternative to iPhoto. Okay, you might have to spend money on video editing software, since MovieMaker ain't so hot. But you know what? A lot of the stuff MobileMe charges you $100 a year to get, Windows Live provides for free, like SkyDrive's 25GB of storage. I would also like to meet this mythical Mac with an all-day battery, since we sure haven't seen it.


Look, there are some valid reasons to pick a Mac over a PC, just like there are valid reasons to pick a PC over a Mac. But you shouldn't smear blatant horseshit all over them, especially when it's already confusing enough for regular people, your audience, Mr. CNBC Silicon Valley Bureau Chief. [CNBC - Thanks Jason!]"

by matt buchanan @ gizmodo.com


What do you guys think? Watch the video by clicking the link below.


via gizmodo


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or just use open source programs for everything, which you can do in either Windows or Linux. With Mac, you have a nice selection, but you can only use what's available for Macs. I prefer not to be locked into using anyone's proprietary applications or file formats, no matter how fancy they are


Btw, a Mac is a PC

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macs have had 2 mouse buttons for about 5 years now, the only reason they are better is because they use a unix base and run each application seperatly from the OS so one crash never equals totally fucked... plus they dont keep using the same look as windows 3.1 except every update they have a different 9yr old make a new theme in MSPAINT



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Apple. LMAO, they can keep that shit. I'll stick with windows. I've had a mac and was in no way impressed. I find windows as easy,if not easier to use. Mac is nothing more then eye candy. I don't give a damn about a pretty screen. Mines blank. I think a custom built pc runs A LOT better then any store bought pc ever could not to mention you get a lot more bang for your buck! Piss on Mac!

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Macs are BSD based, which gives it a lot of the stability you see when it's used properly. Inherent to BSD or other *nix derivatives, the processes are all run separately with the kernel off doing its own thing, keeping your workspace from melting down into BSOD-esque lockups.


I find it funny that most Mac users aren't aware they're using a prettied up version of SOMEBODY ELSE'S OS. Not to say that Macs don't take the cake for most audio, video and other media related work, but it is what it is, just like a Windows or *nix based PC is. It's all a matter of your personal philosophy of use. End of story.

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The dude who argued on the behalf of the Mac was a giant retard indeed, but Macs are still very lucrative. All the shit he spouted was complete bull, but the Mac does sometimes outperform it's Windows counterparts, especially in the field of multimedia apps. However, that dude had no fucking clue what he was talking about.


If anyone in this day and age has a serious virus problem that they need to drop 50 bucks to fix over AVG and Avast!, then they should step away from the computer and stick to an abacus.


Also, faster processors? I could have sworn that most Macs are using Intel chipsets now.


My favorite part is how they state "4x longer battery life" comparing it to a laptop with a 2.5 hour battery life.



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The big performance buff that you'll see on a Mac is its ability to actually handle ram in a LOGICAL way, compared to MS OSes... except it gets that from running BSD at its core. Windows is getting better at that, though. It couldn't be fast enough, since I'm sick of doing power-useresque things on 4 gigs of ram and watching my system slow to a craw without touching page. If I didn't play so many games, and wanted a RELIABLE gameplay experience (and noticed that Windows 7 is pretty awesome) I'd have gone back to Linux 2 years ago.



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I have both and it depends what you do with your computer that makes the difference.


If you play games and use Microsoft programs.... you need a pc

If you use adobe products, you're better off with a mac


I have my macbook for school (photography) and I don't like to use it for photoshop at home though cause I have it installed on my pc, but it always fucking crashes and does annoying shit. So in that aspect I kinda wish I had an Imac. But then I couldn't play games, unless I fucking around with a dual boot. So I like my set up right now.


Plus macs are pretty (but soooooo expensive), although I like my shuttle too. Mac os just seems simpler to me, windows has soooo many options its gay.


I'm not an applewhore but I have to say I do really like my iphone.

Edited by Emma
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I dont care what I work on either as long as it works.. photoshop always crashes on my pc. But I need bridge too, I always have to alternate cause bridge runs like a motherfucker. No problem on macbook though, can run em both and a ton of other shit.


I think it crashes cause my pics are pretty big and I always open more than one.

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You could just have an actual memory issue. I had 4 gigs of Crucial Balistix which were a bad batch, and I'd get random program GPFs and BSODs. I was a bit pissed.


Mmm Ive had issues with BSODs but I think they were my fault. If its bad ram i have no way to find out, plus piscian built the pc so itd totally be his fault!

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Ive suspected the ram might be bad for awhile now, I begged litterally begged her to just friggin bring it last time so I could run memtest. She refused. Then I tried to get her to burn and run memtest again refused. I even have a pair of corsair sticks that tested good sitting by my desk.


Also thanks terry, watch she'll blow up the damn pc just trying to burn the ISO and some how it'll still be my fault!:mad:

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Ive suspected the ram might be bad for awhile now, I begged litterally begged her to just friggin bring it last time so I could run memtest. She refused. Then I tried to get her to burn and run memtest again refused. I even have a pair of corsair sticks that tested good sitting by my desk.


Also thanks terry, watch she'll blow up the damn pc just trying to burn the ISO and some how it'll still be my fault!:mad:


Youre such a fucking liar!

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Ive suspected the ram might be bad for awhile now, I begged litterally begged her to just friggin bring it last time so I could run memtest. She refused. Then I tried to get her to burn and run memtest again refused. I even have a pair of corsair sticks that tested good sitting by my desk.


Also thanks terry, watch she'll blow up the damn pc just trying to burn the ISO and some how it'll still be my fault!:mad:





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for the people here who have used the windows 7 beta: do you think mac user's opinions will sway after they have their test run?


Eh. It's still Windows at heart, even though it runs leaner and smoother than before. Most people have a culture shock from switching from one UI to another... plus Mac users are statistically stubborn, so I'm going with "probably not".

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