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Admin Abuse: Danny


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1. Abuser name: Danny

2. Their Steam Id:STEAM_0:0:16255199

3. What server: Dark rp

4. About what time: Around right now

5. PROOF: http://i52.tinypic.com/x5b7sw.jpg http://i55.tinypic.com/mbs75g.jpg

http://i52.tinypic.com/24npac8.jpg Banning me : http://i54.tinypic.com/27wsv0m.jpg

6. Please tell us about the incident: I was messing around with soko and solveitwithguns throwin bugbait at everyone when danny tried to join our gang so I demoted him cus we didn't want him to, he then decided to constantly teleport to me and pull me towards him over and over and over again for no reason (every brown name in console that was teleported to was him) the last time he teleported he tried to arrest me and soko so we killed him so he banned me (An admin and he knows I'm admin) for 10 minutes for rdm (No kick, no warning, and he banned an admin) Do as you wish


Here ya go STEAM_0:0:16255199

Edited by F4ithl3ss
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By looking at the evidence and reading what you said, It looks like abuse, But nothing major, if he could come and give his side of the story on here would be nice, I'll leave him a message on the forums.

If it's how it looks, then would be nice for staff/council to have a little chat with him, maybe a short removal of his admin, What ever you feel is needed, He shouldn't be porting to you like that all the time and especially shouldn't be banning you, but the way you responded to his abuse was also unacceptable, Please just report someone from now on, instead of provoking even more abuse from the offender.


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i was playing just having fun and doing my job when i continuously get rdmed by mark teh cat i become a hobo and change my job to this clan thing or wat ev. and when i change my job name he decides to demote me! i go to him amazed that he random demoted me. he decides its ok to ignore me i keep having to tele to him because some how he keeps managing to disappear. so when i talk to somone next to mark he decides to shoot me in the face with an autoshoty i tele to him not to happy why he keeps rdming me and once i talk to him he shoots me in the face! i decide enough i banned him.

in my defense he had no identification of HG clan member or admin. and didnt have his actually name on..

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i was playing just having fun and doing my job when i continuously get rdmed by mark teh cat i become a hobo and change my job to this clan thing or wat ev. and when i change my job name he decides to demote me! i go to him amazed that he random demoted me. he decides its ok to ignore me i keep having to tele to him because some how he keeps managing to disappear. so when i talk to somone next to mark he decides to shoot me in the face with an autoshoty i tele to him not to happy why he keeps rdming me and once i talk to him he shoots me in the face! i decide enough i banned him.

in my defense he had no identification of HG clan member or admin. and didnt have his actually name on..


thats weird because in

i see his name in the background on the player list.
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Danny, you teleported countless times in those screenshots. That is clear abuse of admin powers and not to mention, this all happened no longer than 3 hours after you said...


i understand i take full responsibly for my actions i abused my power i guess iv'e seen see so many people do it before that they've set a precedent and i have acted inappropriately and i apologize.


And monkyman you are not one to criticize when you are disrespecting other admins i chose not to post a report cause i felt bad for you. But to my understanding you care nothing of respect and i shall take action. All i have to say.


in your last abuse report. Even after I made it clear to you that this is admin abuse.


So my question is are you actually sorry? You apologized to me and went right back into the server and continued to do the same bullshit.

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OF COURSE im sorry. why would i want this. and those tele's to him where because he kept running away from me and disappeared! And did you his spectates ?? THIS IS BULL SHIT! i was under the impression that he was some noob that was causin trouble and rdming... No Intention on abuse or anything of that sort all it was, was me being an admin and attempting to stop this shitty rdming...

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AND HIS NAME WAS NOT LIKE THAT !!! when i was playing NOTHING LIKE THAT AT ALL!!! it was somthing else and plus those pictures have been tampered with if you didnt see the HOBO NAMES have been blurred out and look at what they're saying. Who knows how good of an editor he's he could be fooling us all. all those teleports are to HOBO'S not just friends! i wanted to find out WHO KEPT KILING ME! so i did my best and once i figured out who he rdm's me i would apreciate a in teamspeak talk with myself and mark present please.

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It has been discussed and agreed upon that the screenshots have been photoshopped. That situation will be handled privately.


Now, relating to what actually did happen in the abuse report... You admitted to me that you did teleport a couple of times to your friends, and I appreciate your honesty. However, this happened 3 hours after I made it clear that teleporting to your friends is abuse. You have already been banned for a day and I see that as punishment enough to hopefully teach you a lesson.


Don't let this happen a third time. If it does, the consequences will be severe.

Edited by F4ithl3ss
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