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Admin Abuse: Quantum Homework (Lazarus)


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1. Abuser name: Quantum Homework (Lazarus)

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:18265306

3. What server: HG Jailbreak #1 USA

4. About what time: 19:30 EDT (GMT -4)






6. Please tell us about the incident:


Quantum Homework said, while some people were saying in chat i was bad at being a CT, that I was and he was way better than me. So I called him out and told him to join CTs and try, and he subsequently told me he is laz - as to assume that should change something. So I said "Cool Story Bro" When he started accusing me that he was much better at JB and such, and when i stated "At least I didn't get banned like a fag," he repleid "Oh really, that's about to change" and banned me for 69 minutes ( over an hour)


banned message !ban laos 69 "and now you're a fag"

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I joined the server (3 rounds before this) to hear you making remarks about Jews and immediately got a flood of pms asking for me to do something about it. I let it go since I technically didn't really hear anything wrong (not after joining at least). Then he led a beautiful round of 2 minutes of first/last reaction causing the entire server to b and c like no other. Calling me a fag was the thin of it. You knew what you were getting yourself into when you decided to start useless troll shit with me. It was an hour break that's over now, and you needed it. RIGHT after your ban, I was thanked by 5 or so players for finally getting rid of you. I'm not sure what you were doing before I got there, but if it was ANYTHING like what you were doing WHILE I was there, you need to fix yourself.

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Did you ask about the jew comment? It was because A terrorist named "Everyone's Favorite Jew" was in USP cell and I asked him to exit his cell - which for some reason was followed by half the Ts exiting their cell.After which i told these Ts to go back into their cells, which then ended horribly (due to awful Ts and CTs.) with CTs freekilling several of them - including jew. I remarked afterward (because all the ts ran out of their cells when they were not told to) "I guess everyone must think they're my favorite jew" in reference to his name.


this awful round you're talking about - which had a pokemon round with it as well. For the sake of time I ended the pokemon early and started a FR / LR game. Sorry that doesn't suit you.


If I was such a horrible CT, wouldn't a T-list be more appropriate, better yet with a good explanation along with it?


When you start attacking me first in chat without any message before, it's an attempt to antagonize me whether or not you were told earlier people didn't like me (I'd like specifics if possible, just naming people were upset is sort of unexpected, considering I've clocked in over 50 hours of JB and haven't heard any complaints from admins) and didnt inform me. Instead you antagonize me and then claim that "This is the last straw" when I never knew there was one to begin with


A staff member of HG told me 69 minutes is an extensive ban and this isn't called for - hence the abuse report.

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I never admitted anything. I didn't break MOTD or any policies (unless you can prove otherwise) and have no evidence of being a bad CT other than your accusations, and the occasional rage. So I don't think there's a reason for a T-List, but that's just my opinion, like yours


The ban was indeed an attack at your character which you took in immaturely, and I suppose i'm sorry for doing this. You were antagonizing me so I wasn't going to take it without pointing out a fact that I knew and i'm entitled to know. I never directly called you a fag btw, just that people who are banned are fags, which may be semantics but I never attacked you directly aside from that one comment, brought on by your list of others.


Also, MOTD does state you need to use ADMIN chat to communicate to me about my actions before taking action (T-List or Ban)

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So I don't think there's a reason for a T-List

But didn't you just say.....?

wouldn't a T-list be more appropriate


On another note:

You were antagonizing me

You sure about that? Cuz I'm pretty sure something to the effect of "I'd like to see you come CT and do better" was said first.


I never directly called you a fag btw, just that people who are banned are fags, which may be semantics but I never attacked you directly

Come on now... let's be realistic about this. You were not at ALL referencing me with "At least I wasn't banned like a fag? Amirite now amirite?" Really.............?


Also, MOTD does state you need to use ADMIN chat to communicate to me about my actions before taking action (T-List or Ban)

The MOTD also says this:

"Be respectful to everyone! A certain amount of smack-talk is ok, but do not be disrespectful."


As a side note, this is mentioned as well:

"Use your powers to keep the server fun."

And from the reaction of most of the players after your ban, it seems like I helped keep the server fun. The [admin] next to my name is a warning in and of itself and as a long-time player at the server, you know that. Watch yourself. Your ban's already up anyway.

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I was lead - therefore this is the correct course of action.


Admins MUST warn a wrongdoer in ADMIN chat before punishing (except for hackers, racists, and exploiters).


The logs show no such warning.


Be respectful to everyone! A certain amount of smack-talk is ok, but do not be disrespectful.


So where did the line draw? When you received these complaints (That other admins on the server deny ever hearing of about me - in fact I haven't really met anyone who seriously resents me on JB) or when my smack talk was too much? I feel this is extreme.



His ingame name of choice is now "Time to Ban Someone" - so much for no trolling.



Also, on a related note, here is a log of him threatening to ban someone for HLDJ spamming - without following admin procedure. - This occurred around 22:15 EDT




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All I see in the screenshot is Laos egging "Quantum Homework" on, the ban reason is (on the other hand) is completely unnecessary.


The actions taken by the admin are typically:

1. Warn

2. Kick/Slay

3. Temp Ban


I don't see the first two, however, if you're egging the admin on, there's definitely grounds for him to want to ban/kick you. Whether the action taken was legitimate or not, since you can't substantiate either that he did not warn you and Lazarus can't substantiate proof that what he did was in the right, no action needs to be taken at the present moment.


simply put: I seriously think you two need to relax and have fun instead of egging each other on.


Since neither of you can substantiate the claim that he was being a bad CT (and him not being a bad CT), the T-List request is denied.


If Staff wants to discuss this further, by all means, do so. I think it can stay closed.

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All I see in the screenshot is Laos egging "Quantum Homework" on, the ban reason is (on the other hand) is completely unnecessary.


The actions taken by the admin are typically:

1. Warn

2. Kick/Slay

3. Temp Ban


I don't see the first two, however, if you're egging the admin on, there's definitely grounds for him to want to ban/kick you. Whether the action taken was legitimate or not, since you can't substantiate either that he did not warn you and Lazarus can't substantiate proof that what he did was in the right, no action needs to be taken at the present moment.


simply put: I seriously think you two need to relax and have fun instead of egging each other on.


Since neither of you can substantiate the claim that he was being a bad CT (and him not being a bad CT), the T-List request is denied.


If Staff wants to discuss this further, by all means, do so. I think it can stay closed.




good job!

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