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SkiLLz #bad Abused his admin.


Recommended Posts

1. Abuser name:SkiLLz #bad

2. Their Steam Id:STEAM_0:0:23812062

3. What sever: Death run

4. About what time:6:49 est.

5. PROOF: He keep starting a map vote and canceling,being racism and beacon people for no reason.[When ever he chats, He chats with admin chat ] I changed my name to I like pie =] When I put my real name HG | L A P D` He will stop playing with his admin.




















Its hard to see the first SS Here what is it





(ADMIN) SkiLLz #bad: started a map vote

Failed to load sound "admin_plugin\actions\startyourvoting.mp3", file probably missing from disk/repository

photon arbiter voted Yes

¿2.42? voted Yes

*DEAD* ^M_A_P^ Fallenoff0 : vote cumshot

-[Ғ3k]-.:.³ril<.:. voted No

|UC| Ron Paul voted No

^M_A_P^ Alectric Ax voted Yes

I like pie.. =] voted Yes

Has†e voted Yes

^M_A_P^ Fallenoff0 voted Yes

SkiLLz #bad voted No

wD. mad man voted No

HT | →DεxtεЯ ← ヅ voted Yes

Has†e : =(

(ADMIN) SkiLLz #bad: cancelled current vote

I like pie.. =] : STOP MAKING A VOTE

[HG] Clan Application at http://www.HeLLsGamers.com/Join

(ADMIN) SkiLLz #bad: started a map vote

Failed to load sound "admin_plugin\actions\startyourvoting.mp3", file probably missing from disk/repository

-[Ғ3k]-.:.³ril<.:. suicided.

wD. mad man suicided.

|UC| Ron Paul suicided.

¿2.42? suicided.

HT | →DεxtεЯ ← ヅ voted No

^M_A_P^ Alectric Ax voted Yes

Has†e voted No

I like pie.. =] voted No

SkiLLz #bad voted No

wD. mad man voted Yes

|UC| Ron Paul voted No

photon arbiter voted Yes

¿2.42? voted Yes

^M_A_P^ Fallenoff0 suicided.

Has†e suicided.

^M_A_P^ Fallenoff0 voted No

(ADMIN) SkiLLz #bad: wat map

After April 1st Every $10 Donation to HeLLsGamers.com is worth a Raffle Ticket to win a Cool Prize.

HT | →DεxtεЯ ← ヅ : gyro?! or 3 floors

(ADMIN) SkiLLz #bad: cancelled current vote

=¦ƒK¦=ClaŠŠy connected

Player =¦ƒK¦=ClaŠŠy connected with SteamID STEAM_0:0:8180025

photon arbiter suicided.

»ŠмŠÂ«Ãžąřǻdõж suicided.

(ADMIN) SkiLLz #bad: started a map vote

Failed to load sound "admin_plugin\actions\startyourvoting.mp3", file probably missing from disk/repository

Server Tick Rate 100

¿2.42? voted No

|UC| Ron Paul voted No

Has†e voted Yes

HT | →DεxtεЯ ← ヅ voted Yes

wD. mad man voted Yes

photon arbiter voted No

I like pie.. =] suicided.

Player: I like pie.. =] - Damage Taken


Damage Taken from "world" - 499 in 1 hit

I like pie.. =] voted No

^M_A_P^ Alectric Ax voted No

^M_A_P^ Fallenoff0 voted No

*DEAD*(Counter-Terrorist) wD. mad man : yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-[Ғ3k]-.:.³ril<.:. voted No

*DEAD* photon arbiter : nominate

*DEAD* Has†e : i put yes

Player photon arbiter nominated map deathrun_office for rock the vote

*DEAD* Has†e : it is repetetive

SkiLLz #bad voted No

No Recruiting Allowed In Here.

(ADMIN) SkiLLz #bad: cancelled current vote

(ADMIN) SkiLLz #bad: started a map vote

Failed to load sound "admin_plugin\actions\startyourvoting.mp3", file probably missing from disk/repository

*DEAD* Has†e : gyto

¿2.42? voted No

-[Ғ3k]-.:.³ril<.:. voted No

HT | →DεxtεЯ ← ヅ voted Yes

wD. mad man voted Yes

*DEAD* Has†e : no

photon arbiter voted Yes

Has†e voted No

^M_A_P^ Fallenoff0 voted No

|UC| Ron Paul voted No

*DEAD* Has†e : its boring

To listen to music, type music. To turn it off, type stop or off

*DEAD* Has†e : floor breaks fast

^M_A_P^ Alectric Ax voted No

Dimebag connected

Player Dimebag connected with SteamID STEAM_0:1:21109227

SkiLLz #bad voted Yes

(ADMIN) SkiLLz #bad: cancelled current vote

¿Chaos? connected

Player ¿Chaos? connected with SteamID STEAM_0:0:24327012

Join our Forums at http://www.HeLLsGamers.com

SkiLLz #bad suicided.

*DEAD* Has†e : gyro!

*DEAD* -[Ғ3k]-.:.³ril<.:. : nominate

(ADMIN) SkiLLz #bad: started a map vote

Failed to load sound "admin_plugin\actions\startyourvoting.mp3", file probably missing from disk/repository

Has†e voted Yes

¿2.42? voted Yes

HT | →DεxtεЯ ← ヅ voted Yes

*DEAD*(Counter-Terrorist) wD. mad man : hy

|UC| Ron Paul voted No

-[Ғ3k]-.:.³ril<.:. voted No

*DEAD* Has†e : 111

SkiLLz #bad voted Yes

^M_A_P^ Alectric Ax voted Yes

photon arbiter voted Yes

^M_A_P^ Fallenoff0 voted Yes

Dimebag voted Yes

wD. mad man voted Yes

*DEAD* Has†e : yeah!

Player ¿Chaos? disconnected with SteamID STEAM_0:0:24327012

Join HG's Public Ventrilo IP vent.hellsgamers.com Port: 4198

I like pie.. =] voted No

Cedium connected

Player Cedium connected with SteamID STEAM_0:0:13151685

soul blade connected

Player soul blade connected with SteamID STEAM_0:0:22894894

ӿÃąńîӿ connected

Player ӿÃąńîӿ connected with SteamID STEAM_0:1:17471928

Welcome to The HeLLsGamers Organization since 2005!

who you going to call? connected

Player who you going to call? connected with SteamID STEAM_0:0:21008987

HT | →DεxtεЯ ← ヅ suicided.

^M_A_P^ Alectric Ax suicided.

Scoring will not start until both teams have players

Scoring will not start until both teams have players

Scoring will not start until both teams have players

*DEAD* Has†e : nt.

Results are in, 12 votes cast

(ADMIN) SkiLLz #bad: accepted vote

Edited by LAPD
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Could some one deal with this please. If you search his steam ID on global ban list..its shows STAFF banned him for 120.00 minutes yesterday.



Thank you.

Edited by LAPD
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