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Funniest Omegle Convorsation EVER


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Stranger: Hey baby

You: hey sweet pie

Stranger: wanna touch me

You: only every day

You: how many dicks do you have?

Stranger: i think i have an oreo stuck in my left side fat rool

Stranger: roll*

You: LOL

You: thats kinky

Stranger: Lick old lesbians ?

Stranger: LOL?

You: i love 90 year old pornstarts

Stranger: their sock titties are amazing they way they sway in the dark

You: indeed

Stranger: i love to motor boat my grandpa

You: me two

Stranger: my grandma has her tit pierced

You: orly? damn my third dick is hard as oak

Stranger: o reali

You: yea

Stranger: lol

You: so

You: lusty puppies?

Stranger: i fucked a dead deer

Stranger: and fingered my little brothers butt hole

You: i had a three way with a bear and an elephant

Stranger: and my mums clown hole

You: my mum has three clown holes

Stranger: wanna know whats funny?

You: we come from of family of freakishly large genitals

You: and they spread

You: and multiplied

Stranger: no no no something funnier

You: ok

You: shoot baby moma

Stranger: a bearpooping in the woods

You: a woods poopingin the bear

Stranger: hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhahahahahhahahahahahahaha

You: dude i love giving chicks alabama hot pockets

You: its like

You: making my 8=========

You: D

You: 8==============D

You: so hard

Stranger: thats small my dick is like HUGER

You: that is a scale of 1/9999999999999999999999999999999

You: my dick

You: is so big

You: i cockslap people in china

You: from canada

You: oh my animal sex slaves arrived gtg

Stranger: i fucked a martian from here to pluto

You: me too

You: except three martians

You: bye

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