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Question concerning the three tier punishment system


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Hey everyone,


So I had a question about the three tier punishment system, that is


A. Warning in admin chat

B. Kick

C. Ban


(with a possible B. Mute, C. Kick, D. Ban for spamming/language)


My question is:


Are these rules set in stone? Is skipping tiers considered abuse? I'm asking because I just bought Global CS:S, and in visiting some of the servers, admins will skip straight to ban without a warning and without a kick. The worst of it is in Jailbreak, for example someone will free kill too much and then get banned immediately. Without @ Warning, and without a kick. Sometimes an admin will get on and threaten to ban anyone that insults him, without a real @Warning and without a kick (this was actually done by a free admin and a root admin). Are there circumstances that permit circumvention of the tiers or should I demo and report next time I see it happen?


I don't mean to sound like a hardass, but if a rule isn't enforced, then why keep it as a rule? I'm sure "Do what the situation demands" would be fine, albeit the abuse report section would flare up, but that just outs the power hungry.




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As long as you don't make crazy decisions the way you use your admin is up to you.


A lot of the things are situational.


For general annoyances(spamming and the like) warn, mute, kick, then ban I'd say. As long as you're smart and use common sense you should be fine. Judging by your grammar and spelling I don't think you'll have a problem using your admin.


I'll go ahead and admit that our system is not perfect. Some people may get away with things others won't, we keep it as balanced as we can but it's not something we can guarantee. If you see something that you think is abusive towards players or giving the admin a blatant advantage please post an abuse report with valid proof.

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As long as you don't make crazy decisions the way you use your admin is up to you.


A lot of the things are situational.


For general annoyances(spamming and the like) warn, mute, kick, then ban I'd say. As long as you're smart and use common sense you should be fine. Judging by your grammar and spelling I don't think you'll have a problem using your admin.


I'll go ahead and admit that our system is not perfect. Some people may get away with things others won't, we keep it as balanced as we can but it's not something we can guarantee. If you see something that you think is abusive towards players or giving the admin a blatant advantage please post an abuse report with valid proof.


Right-o then, I appreciate the prompt response.

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I'd just like to add, don't use Jailbreak admins as an example for anything. Unless you see a Vet as admin on JB, most the admins aren't doin' it right.


Pretty much to be a good admin you just have to be a pretty good person with common sense and a decently kind heart. If you are generally nice to people on the server and use your admin properly when needed, people will come to respect you as a good admin.

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