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Ban reports and bans/perma bans.


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I got a question. As i found out today, banning someone is kinda hard, reason how long and etc. Also, a good idea for banning times is maby make a list or somthing. i fell that im under preasure because i kinda have this thought in the back of my head that if i put the wrong time or somthing that i will be in some serious shit. So, if anyone has any way to make it easyer or some way that tells me what is the appropreite punishment for surtant things. any responses will be GREATLY thanked.

PS. sorry for my terrible spelling.

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If it is someone who just needs a break off the game to cool down, a 10/30 minute ban should suffice. If it's a freekiller who you want out in time for a tlist report to be reviewed, an hour (60 minutes) should work. Hackers ban to the max of your allotted time (120 for pay admins) then make a ban report for them. All others, just use judgement calls really. If all else fails, do what I do and default to the good ole 69.

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If it is someone who just needs a break off the game to cool down, a 10/30 minute ban should suffice. If it's a freekiller who you want out in time for a tlist report to be reviewed, an hour (60 minutes) should work. Hackers ban to the max of your allotted time (120 for pay admins) then make a ban report for them. All others, just use judgement calls really. If all else fails, do what I do and default to the good ole 69.



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