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This is more of a personal apology to the community, for not participating in the events.


See all of these badass events (Especially gmod/minecraft scavenger hunt) are just not on good times with me, and I'm always unable to attend because of my work schedule..


For example I was looking forward to the 10man training event for the past like 3 months, then it comes about and it's on a tuesday.. (foreveralone.png)


There's rarely any weekend events.


My work schedule is tues-fri 5:30pm - 5:30am EST


and almost every single event is on a weekday, 7-8pm EST


This might seem like a pointless thread and invoke some trolling, but I just wanted to tell you guys why I'm so absent in the community events, even though I'd rather attend most of them.


so yeah, sorry.

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