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If you use the HG gui by rampage


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I will probably add the servers in myself, but I'm wondering, I like the chatbox location, but the bigger deathnotices are too big for my taste. Just looks funky to me. Is there any way you can see to set the size back to normal?



Yes there is a way.


Step 1 - Go to your cstrike/resource folder and open the "ClientScheme.res" file with notepad.



Step 2 - Once you've opened it use 'Ctrl + f' and type in "DEATHNOTICEFONT", click find next and it should take you down to it.



Step 3 - Now that you found that the way you set the font size for the death notices is by changing the number next to "tall", rampage set it to "14".



If you want a more normal looking size you can set the number to "8" or "10", whatever you like. But I'm not entirely sure what the default font size really is "10" looks good for me.:)



You can also remove the outline around the letters by changing the "1" next to "outline" to "0".


Once you're done just click file, save and close it, then join a game and see if its better.

Edited by DIAMELO
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All you need is Notepad, Notepad++ or Wordpad



Check here: https://hellsgamers.com/threads/40517-Article-HG-CSS-GUI?p=233260&viewfull=1#post233260



This is my menu :)
With Console hl2_2011-02-23_14-09-52-11.jpg
WithOut Console hl2_2011-02-23_14-09-59-10.jpg



Yes there is a way.


Step 1 - Go to your cstrike/resource folder and open the "ClientScheme.res" file with notepad.



Step 2 - Once you've opened it use 'Ctrl + f' and type in "DEATHNOTICEFONT", click find next and it should take you down to it.



Step 3 - Now that you found that the way you set the font size for the death notices is by changing the number next to "tall", rampage set it to "14".



If you want a more normal looking size you can set the number to "8" or "10", whatever you like. But I'm not entirely sure what the default font size really is "10" looks good for me.:)



You can also remove the outline around the letters by changing the "1" next to "outline" to "0".


Once you're done just click file, save and close it, then join a game and see if its better.

^This.. "Ctrl + F" didn't work for me.. and i did scroll down at the buttom without find any "DEATHNOTICEFONT".... but thanks for try to help (me). I think im just to retard to make it that way :)

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^This.. "Ctrl + F" didn't work for me.. and i did scroll down at the buttom without find any "DEATHNOTICEFONT".... but thanks for try to help (me). I think im just to retard to make it that way :)



Oh if you didn't find it, it might be because you weren't looking at the 'Clientscheme.res' file that rampage made. The original Clientscheme that comes in CSS doesn't have that line which is why you couldn't find it, but you can add that to your Clientscheme file to adjust the font size.


This is what the original CSS Clientscheme.res file looks like.

This is the fonts section.



And this is what you add and how it should look in order for you to change the death notice font and size.

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