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Except the Battlefield Series has been around longer, has more things, and is all around a better game. BF2 came out in 2005 and still destroys any COD game.


Doesn't change the fact that the trailers graphics and even the guns look like they came straight out of Mw2

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COD copied Css,


But at the end of the day, DOOM started it all.




Is still as awesome as ever. Not appealing to people just entering the gaming world, Doom was a revolutionary step in gaming, 'twas the game that pushed First Person Shooters to a whole new level. Nowadays, with games like CoD MW, Crysis, Bioshock and others, people seem to forget about the game that made First Person Shooters what they are today. Doom was an inspiration to the gaming world, it proved to people that FPS could be further developed, and made better, upgraded, polished and made entertaining.

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Doesn't change the fact that the trailers graphics and even the guns look like they came straight out of Mw2


I GUESS that has nothing to do with the fact both games take place during a very similar time period? And so what if graphics wise they look similar? like stated above the BF series has a lot more in it then the COD series. Even the expanions for BF2 were like 10 bucks each and added way more shit then an dlc map pack for cod.

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I GUESS that has nothing to do with the fact both games take place during a very similar time period? And so what if graphics wise they look similar? like stated above the BF series has a lot more in it then the COD series. Even the expanions for BF2 were like 10 bucks each and added way more shit then an dlc map pack for cod.


It so true.

Both games also advance in graphics. So the games might begin to look-alike, but still having the gameplay totally different.

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COD copied Css,


But at the end of the day, DOOM started it all.




Is still as awesome as ever. Not appealing to people just entering the gaming world, Doom was a revolutionary step in gaming, 'twas the game that pushed First Person Shooters to a whole new level. Nowadays, with games like CoD MW, Crysis, Bioshock and others, people seem to forget about the game that made First Person Shooters what they are today. Doom was an inspiration to the gaming world, it proved to people that FPS could be further developed, and made better, upgraded, polished and made entertaining.



This is actually not true Wolfenstein 3D start fps games not doom. It came out a year before doom and if you look at the guns doom is almost a remake of wolfenstein 3D

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This is actually not true Wolfenstein 3D start fps games not doom. It came out a year before doom and if you look at the guns doom is almost a remake of wolfenstein 3D


same Company, and yes u r right, Wolfenstein started it all, but Doom bcame to b more Famous.

Both Games r better than cod and bf series.

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Doesn't change the fact that the trailers graphics and even the guns look like they came straight out of Mw2


Well modern warfare were just shit games in general and they also stole the weapons and characters from battlefield 2. A much better game.

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You guys realise the guns in the game are modelled after real weapons, and that they're only putting the weapons that are actually being used in reality in the game, right? Of course the guns are going to look similar when they are the same exact gun. There's not much to do any more in the realm of revolutionary ideas in the FPS genre. Sure, every now and then will have some new feature, but most of the time it's nothing ground-breaking and looking at the big picture it's only a gimmick. It's all about style, story, and A.I. these days.


On another note, I find it somewhat disgusting how much money these video game companies are making off of glorifying a non-fiction war that's still in progress. It's like I'm watching one of those horror movies with some quasi-militaristic society that breeds its children to hate and think it's okay to kill people who are just trying to repel invaders. Maybe they should try to incorporate some of the palpable fear and despair that resides in the streets they run through into the game instead of just making another generic middle-east conflict game that has you killing thousands of faceless and story-less "insurgents".


Don't get me wrong, I'm all for an action-packed kill-fest of a game even if it's based on an actual war, but not one that's still going on and still will be by the time the youngest of the newest generation turns 18. The game company is in a position to reach such a large audience that I think they have a social responsibility to spread a message that positively influences people's thoughts and predispositions about the nation of people these video game companies so lewdly exploit. I wouldn't buy this game unless they donated 60% of their profits to some Iraqi or Anti-Israel fund.

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See, this is the reason why I didn't like call of duty. Battlefield 2 when it was released for the PC was probably the best war related game on the planet, Battlefield 3 is going to be 10 times better than BF2. Hands down this game will sell fast and will be played all over the world in the first 24 hours no doubt.

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