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UNBAN request


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1. Your in-game name: aceroc

2. Server that you were banned on: Jailbreak

3. The Banning admin: F4ithl3ss

4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:0:23110456

5. Reason for ban: If this means reason given for ban, I didn't see one on the popup.


Heres how it went.

Started off by getting killed by a admin I said it was free kill because there was no active lead CT alive and no one called lead. (no one took lead for a good 20-30 seconds after the death at least not that I heard) So I talked to him for a little he said he didn't and we argued a little and I said fail admin is fail and got kicked. I rejoined then after a few rounds someone complained about being t locked for no reason (I have no idea if thats true or not) then I said agreeing with the person "IKR" "He kicked me for no reason". He kicked me and in the note it told me to go to TS (some times I stay out of ts because it can be hard to hear orders when people talk in game and TS), he hostilely b***hed me out on team speak, basically his point was saying I was wrong. I came back again, got killed and was bored so I was looking at stats, and I noticed a map feature I will still a little angry about what he did so I thought I would mess with him for being a jerk on ts by saying hows it in "his town". And he banned me, the map is a feature that anyone can access so anyone could have easily found that out if they wanted to. I didn't swear at any point though this and the worst thing I said was fail admin is fail. Also no warning were given before any of the kicks or the ban.


P.S. I Don't know if this matters but when he FK me he playing his name was something else without a HG in the tag, the main reason why it started was me thinking he was one of the 100s of random people who pass though every day free killing or generally being bastards.


Sorry this is quite a long request, thank you for reading.

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Go ahead and post the proof, you said all the HG admins suck, while you're wearing our tag. I kicked you, told you to come into TS, we explained ourselves, and then you come back into the server and think it's acceptable to tell the entire server where I live? Are you fucking kidding me?


If you're coming to the forums, try not to lie about what happened

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And I'm the one lieing? I didn't say all admins suck, I said fail admin is fail, I have seen that or similar things said a lot in the server without a kick or even a talking to. Honestly do you even know what its like to get free killed often and admins doing nothing? Well your a admin you can kick them, all I can do is complain or ask a admin to kick them (almost never happens for me). So you can't even see why I would be annoyed?


BTW you call kicking me to tell me to come on TS instead of telling me in game, and you call talking down to me disrespectfully is explaining.


I said "Hows it going in xxxxxx town faithless" which generally there are multiple of a lot of citys in the U.S. If you google your towns name you will probably find multiple towns across the country of the same name. Secondly you can easily find out anyones location in the server by typing status, so if someone really wanted to hack you they could just look there.


And to nick, I call them like I see them. I have seen plenty of admins who do almost nothing and just have admin for a hat and a lazer pointer.

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First of all, I do know what it's like to get freekilled. I started off in HG at one point, I didn't always have admin. However, I wouldn't say shit like "admins dont do shit" "admins suck" because I realize that they can't watch 50 people at the same time. If you don't think you said what you're being accused of saying, then feel free to bring your screenshots to the table.


I kicked you for being completely disrespectful with come in teamspeak as the reason. It's not like I kicked you for no reason with a message that I could've typed. The kick was absolutely justified.


All you're trying to do is justify your wrong doing. "It's not bad because there are multiple towns with the same name as yours" You're going about this the wrong way, might want to re-think your position.


Edit: Anyway, I have horrible stomach pain so I'm going to bed. Since I'm personally involved in this situation, I'll let another staff member make the decision.

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This isn't an argument about my opinion of some admins, which IS just a opinion (we are allowed to have those you know). Don't feel the same way its fine with me. The core issue is I got perm banned on a server i have 2 days playtime and for the most part enjoy playing on, for something that wasn't really a big deal.

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