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I'm falling hard for my girl, I've never been able to say that about anyone. Because quite honestly, I hate everyone. Like seriously.. my whole life, I've been a ****ing serial killer in the making. All people make me ****ing sick. But this woman is different, I've known her for 10 years, and it's still special between us. It feels awesome, but I think I'm going to throw up. She's a redhead too LOL. DRAMA.

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That's actually very true. In psychology, Freud who is a famous psychologist presented the theory known as "slips" in everyday lives. These "slips" can be anything from "forgetting to pay child support" to just "leaving your keys in your car". He believed that everything you did, was based on a reason toward your overall personality. I partially believe this, but overall it seems very likely.

Edited by DarkOwnage_
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