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1. Abuser name:" [HG] xlFATALSKILLZlx" and [HG] Soko

2. Their Steam Id: N/A I was banned before I could get it.

3. What server: Roleplay

4. About what time: about 9:20pm GMT. Today.


- Whenever it stops processing you can watch it.

6. Please tell us about the incident: Well, before I actually started recording I was kicked twice for reason that didn't exist by Fatal. Firstly, I killed the Mayor because he made me wanted. I was kicked "rdm". Then I confronted him as to saying I had a reason for killing him, therefore, its not RDM. He proceeded to kick me again for "trolling". The rest I have tried to explain in the video if you could watch that please it explains better than text.


I was not in the wrong just these guys didn't seem to listen.



Thanks for your time - Jawn Davis.

Edited by F4ithl3ss
I pressed enter by mistake.
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He killed the Mayor after the mayor made him wanted, (killed him in my gunshop), He was kicked for RDM, He then re-joined the server telling use to LEARN THE RULES many times, He was kicked for trolling because he came right back to my gun shop, stood in line and blocked everyone from buying weapons, then proceeded to stand in my shop and tell me and World Prop to learn the rules, and that he was not trolling, after he threated to record, which we told him was fine, he also said trust me I know what Im doing, I got MONKEYMAN Banned....He was not acting out his job title, yet running around nitpicking admins.


It was a 15 min ban, due to it was a trolling fest on his part.

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I have this all on video. Please wait for the upload thanks.


EDIT: I told you to learn the rule once. I didn't block everyone, as is clear on my video. I didn't stand in your shop telling you to learn the rules, I was asking why I was kicked. I didn't threaten to record, I said I was already recording.


But yea, its on video, I will post link when it is uploaded.

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I'm not clicking on random links given to me over the internet. Its policy. Plus, youtube supports HD and it gives easier access to the video for anyone that wants to see it.


EDIT: In reply to your edit. I didn't as the video clearly shows.

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Could you stop saying that I told you to LEARN THE RULES many times, as this is a lie that can be easily checked and confirmed by looking at the logs. I only said it once or twice over the course of this whole incident, after I was kicked for the likes of "coolstory" and such.


EDIT: Anyway, I'm not arguing in this forum if you want to argue, just add me on steam. Thanks.

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After you were kicked for RDM you said you were allowed to kill the mayor, because "he wanted you" then told us when u rejoined that we need to learn the rules....


leaving for staff to decide because this is already out of control, it was a 15 min ban for trolling....and it is still going on here on the forums

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All I know is this kid was in Fatal's shop spamming over and over in chat asking why he kicked him so I moved him out of the shop then he came back then I threw him in the swears he came back Fatal kicked him for Trolling he comes back AGAIN I move a cop random weapon checking people then he starts telling me what is the sever rules in my mind Jawn should be temp banned or something cause all he did was troll and bitch over 1 kick then egged it on http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/8a/johntrolling.png

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The Mayor wanted me, I killed the Mayor. Mayor wanting me = reason for me to kill him, this obviously, removes the Random part.


EDIT: Soko, just watch the video when it is uploaded. You will see.

Nicely only uploading a part of what I said? Cool, I have exactly what was said and done in the video.

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Please wait, I am currently uploading my proof. Only 5 mins remaining. Thanks.


EDIT: Thanks for waiting. I did ask him to add me on steam if he wanted to argue but he continued. Sorry.



EDIT: Video is "(processing, please wait)".

Edited by Jawn
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Well, the HD quality and the introduction and transitions were nice, however, I don't really see any abuse. He asked you to leave his shop, you wouldn't leave and were blocking people from buying guns so you were phys gunned out. Although, being put into the sewers wasn't absolutely necessary. You then continued to question him and were kicked again when all you had to do was come to the forums in the first place. Then when you returned a third time, you went back into the gun shop and started telling admins the rules.


When you go into a server where no one knows who you are, and start telling admins the rules, what do you honestly expect is going to happen? You were banned for 15 minutes, and from what I see it was a perfectly warranted ban. If an admin abuses their powers, get a demo, and come to the forums, don't get a demo of you interrogating admins and telling them how to do their job and them getting frustrated as a result of that. I'd be frustrated too.


Not abuse

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