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Rocker (glitching)


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1. Name: Rocker

2. Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:10109391

3. Server: [HG] Mini-Game Server.

4. Reason: Glitching

5. Proof: http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/nf/demo1.dem

6. Comments: Started recording because some players were getting loud on the mics but instead caught this. After starting the demo the map smash lego switched to low grav scouts and knives. What he did was glitch the game so he spawns in the next round with the same low grav. He dies during the match, joins spectate and then joins a team again, next round spawns with low grav. I banned him for 4 hours.


After rewatching the demo before uploading I also noticed that 2 other players tried to glitch the game as well their names and steam-ids are:


"HG | Conan The Cyberman" STEAM_0:0:9638340


"=(e)=â„¢ SperkXela.???tt" STEAM_0:1:27064223


I didn't ban them because while in the game recording the glitch seemed to not work for them (Rocker was the only one I saw with low grav). Conan knows very well about this glitch and in the demo you can clearly see him commit suicide right before the next round, joins spec and then back to his team again.

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Yes I know it may look lame but like I said in the report you were the only one I saw with low grav and I didn't find out the other 2 were trying to glitch until after I left the game and re-watched the demo before finishing this thread.


Also since you just posted saying that you didn't know it was bannable here are the rules for that server:


first rule on the list says - "No Cheats, exploits or 3rd party tools that give you an unfair advantage over other players." Thats what the reason for your ban was 'exploit'.

I'm trying to be fair here which is why I also included that last part in the post about conan and sperk. And I assure you that if I would of caught them with low grav while recording that demo that they would of faced the same punishment you did. Thats all I can say now the rest is up to who ever reviews this report.

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