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Firefox 4 Beta


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Anyone else trying it out? I just recently downloaded it.


My first impression is that they are trying to go Google Chrome style.


Firefox 4 seems to be more fluent and smooth when loading sites and new tabs.

The text looks a bit weird, it makes the font stand out weird.


What do you think?


Download link here.

Edited by Tommo
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I like it. Adopting that "Chrome" look was awesome, because with Firefox's customization options, it's good. It looks like I'm going to be switching...


EDIT: Ehh. I'll keep FF4, but only as a backup in case Chrome rages at me.

Edited by Plaayer
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I'll get around to installing it eventually, but really the only thing I use it for is visiting sites that I consider questionable. The greasemonkey joy in Firefox still wins out over Chrome, and I've become rather fond of noscript.


Regardless, for a ton of reasons, I'm still an avid Chrome user.

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