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Dragon Age 2 is bleh


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DON'T BUY DRAGON AGE 2, i know you want to and if you haven't already, DON'T waste your money.



It's so stitched together that its not even enjoyable. Oh and guess whats back? MEMORY LEAKS. Aw yea that's what made the first one so dam good so might as well throw it into the sequel too.

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U got it?


yea, its ok. There are more bugs in it then day 1 New Vegas and a few of them don't even make sense. But to be un-biased essentially those who loved DAO will hate this game, and for those who have not played DAO or did not enjoy DAO will find this game average and not worth the money, so wait for the price drop.

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yea, its ok. There are more bugs in it then day 1 New Vegas and a few of them don't even make sense. But to be un-biased essentially those who loved DAO will hate this game, and for those who have not played DAO or did not enjoy DAO will find this game average and not worth the money, so wait for the price drop.


Arh... sad

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I perfer DAII over DAO for the sake that it is not overly tactical (i.e. pausing the game to issue orders). I shouldn't have to pause the game unless I need to go take a shit. Games are going to have bugs out of the box there's no way of getting around it. Nothing a patch can't fix.

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You shouldn't buy a game and have to wait for a patch. Before the internet patches (mainly console) games that had bugs like New Vegas would lose everything.


I played DA:O fine without ever using the tactics screen.

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Awww, I was looking forward to this game!


look, its okay. definitely worth a rental or when it pops up in midweek madness but that's it. its an average nothing out of the ordinary game which still contains the same bugs as the first one (wtf i thought this was made by bioware not bethesda)

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Guest Gooch

I don't care what it looks or feels like.

It's Dragon Age...

Adam gave it a 3 out of 5, but that's because he couldn't follow the story.

The story is that it is leading up to the NEXT Dragon Age.

Any DA game is a game worth playing.

I have it queued up on GameFly and am waiting for it to be in stock. :]. I'll wait a month or so, and if still nothing, I'll probably buy it.

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You shouldn't buy a game and have to wait for a patch. Before the internet patches (mainly console) games that had bugs like New Vegas would lose everything.


That seems to be the norm now. Release some unfinished piece of shit then a month later release DLC that they probably already planned out during the games development and said "nah fuck it we will release it later as to make more profit", then a couple months later release the "Holy Fuck Shit Deluxe Edition" that has all the DLC on it plus some other gay shit and make more money. Shit is RIDICKALUS!

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