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I just made this to get a little chuckle, Don't get why people are taking this so seriously.


Yeah....... But fo shizzle this is of tha hizzle fo rizzle mai dizzles of the HG wannapizzle! This should be HG's themesong! :3

Also rap=......something that has to do with booty now a days. Or drugs? Or killing? Or something thats supoose to be gangster liek.

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Really, I have more of a problem with the culture associated with rap and its proliferation of just about everything that is wrong with society than the genre itself. Yes, it's a largely talentless genre. Innate to it, and probably on purpose, most of the "beats" are just recycled or outright stolen drum track loops, and the "lyrics" aren't far from the same. I'm going to use blanket terms for hyperbole and humor's sake, but anyone should be able to pick up that it's in jest.


Anyway, I won't knock this particular track because it has HG plastered all over it.


You got that right, for the most part. Glad you didnt say "all". The culture and life style of rap is most definitely negative. As for it being mostly talentless? That goes for some of the other genre's of music. All genre's of music, has their good and bad. Just rap, is worse in many ways lol. You dont hear good/talented rap on the radio or even the internet. Almost all rap you hear nowadays, is exactly how Wingless described it.


Wingless, I respect you for expressing your opinion about this subject. I actually agree with what you said about it.



But....... Not "all" rap is bad =) .... In my opinion. lol.

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This is why I dislike rap. For THIS reason.


Open your mind and explore what music has to offer.


I used to only listen to rap and r&b. Now I listen to classic, smooth jazz, instrumentals (especially epic music), some pop, I even like listening to that narwhals music lol. Daft punk anyone?? Exactly. No one cares about what I like or dislike, but im trying to make a point.


Expand your mind and go all out like a chimpanzee with a spear up his ass. =O Thats my point.

KF Owner has a great point about "gangster" rap. Rap you hear nowadays? Has no solid meaning to it. No message. No moral. No principle. It just talks about negativity. Nothing up, nothing optimistic, nothing positive... Is why I cant blame people that dislike or even "hates" Rap in general.


But when people say they hate rap. Which usually means, "all" rap, I get a bit defensive. I apologize if I offended anybody in this thread, it was never intentional to provoke or criticize.

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I agree with you bear 100%, But i gotta admit most rap back then is a lot better then today, lil Wayne has no talent, and does other guys. It's also fun just to play around with music and relax,rember guys it's just a game. We don't have to take everything so seriously.

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