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Switching from Windows XP Pro to Windows 7 Home Premium Upgrade

Kurosaki Ichigo

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Okay so basically the title says it all. But I have one question to ask. If the current computer specs I have now, would switching from Windows XP Pro to Windows 7 Home Premium Upgrade make any difference or no difference as far as how my games run? Here are the following computer specs.


Machine name: XW6200-1

Operating System: Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 3 (2600.xpsp_sp3_gdr.101209-1647)

Language: English (Regional Setting: English)

System Manufacturer: Hewlett-Packard

System Model: hp workstation xw6200

BIOS: Default System BIOS

Memory:2048MB RAM

Processor: Intel® Xeon CPU 3.60GHz (4 CPUs)

Card name: NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GSO

Manufacturer: NVIDIA

Chip type: GeForce 9600 GSO

DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC

Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0610&SUBSYS_23851682&REV_A2

Display Memory: 768.0 MB

Driver Name: nv4_disp.dll

Driver Version: 6.14.0012.6658 (English)

DDI Version: 9 (or higher)


So there you have it, my computer specs. So please, tell me if you think that switching OS's will make any difference. Thanks!


-Happy Gaming

Kurosaki Ichigo

Edited by Kurosaki Ichigo
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Really? I thought it would increase my gameplay peformance. Do you suggest I save up some money and just get a new computer or what or should I just buy the full version of Windows 7 because I only have Windows 7 Home Premium UPGRADE and apparently you cant do the upgraded version from windows XP.

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Really? I thought it would increase my gameplay peformance. Do you suggest I save up some money and just get a new computer or what or should I just buy the full version of Windows 7 because I only have Windows 7 Home Premium UPGRADE and apparently you cant do the upgraded version from windows XP.


I would upgrade video card first, then go with 4gb of ram. The video upgrade alone will make a drastic difference as the 9600 is a bit out of date.


I personally would save for the full version, if the system crashes and you have to reinstall it will be a pain in the ass to reinstall everything.

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Well speaking of which, I think my grandpa did say that he used the computer I have now for videos and shit. But yeah, your right about the whole save money to get a full disc version of Windows 7. All I need is a graphic card upgrade, os upgrade then I'm good to go :D. Oh and one thing I want to ask is how can I fix my computer to where it shuts down properly without me having to press the button to turn it off cause everytime I press shutdown the screen will go black and my computer will still be running.

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