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Joe Sano

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the upcoming game, BRINK, will be released on may 20 and ive been seeing some support from members as well as it on many of my steamfriends wishlist


there are two factions: Security and Resistance


Security is much like a CT or the police, they try to keep order and conserve resources, which are dwindiling dangerously low

Resistance is like America, they fight to stop instability and have equal rations for all





now in WoW: HG is primarily horde


in Brink it's the same as WOW with the factions


Which side is HG going to be in?

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Guest The_Monkey
This game looks sick! I may get it if I have enough money xD.


If your computer can't handle L4D2, how is it going to handle Brink???


(yes, I actually read every new thread)

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If your computer can't handle L4D2, how is it going to handle Brink???


(yes, I actually read every new thread)


Unemployed by any chance then? :L

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