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halp! I have two final exams tomorrow but the sunburn on my stomach is driving me insane. Parts of it look like they are healing but there are still some pretty nasty reddish purple splotches. It has started to itch LIKE CRAZY! I can't concentrate on what I'm doing. Its TERRIBAD! I've had sunburn before but it hasn't itched like this. I've tried aloe vera gel, cortizone-10, ice pack, wet towel, cold shower, and etc. It just keeps itching worse and worse. Any suggestions?

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hmm, try icepacks(I know it sounds stupid). i have been in that same situation, only back in junior high before my john hopkins test. duct tape the ice pack to your burn(keep the tape OFF of the burn, peeling duct tape off hurts, on sunburn its a BITCH ) and leave it there untill you take the test, at which point the burned area should be cool enough to let u get thru the test with minimal pain. but i can see the problem if it is all over your back, if u put a bunch of em on your back u wud prolly end up lookin like the hunchback of notre damme. but make a fool oput of your self or fail your finals? your choice.

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Yes, go out in the sun and off your computer more often so you don't get sunburned pussy.


Kekeke I'm only on the computer for work and school mr. Dell guy. Also, I've been putting aloe etc on it....cortizone finally helped a little...I got Naproxen from my doctor while trying to get Adderall to concentrate lol. He said "no." :diaf:

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