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so i binded

ma_mute #ct

ma_mute #t

ma_mute #all

to my 8 9 and 0 keys not knowing that the admin menu uses 8 9 and 0 for back next and exit


so i made that mistake and started muting all these people lol. I said i was sorry and left. I went into console to try and fix the problem. I typed in unbind 8 9 and 0 and now i cant go back next and exit in my admin menu. i've tried re-binding the whole admin menu in general but that doesnt work.



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well ive tried all of hese suggetions and none work D:


Well I was gonna suggest a method that appeared to be a long route, but lets take it.


Open your cs folder, and CUT your config out and paste it somewhere (desktop).

Start counter strike and paly one round. (this will create a config)

Now close cs, open that config and see what it has bound to those keys.

Then paste that into your config, then replace the newly created one...with your old one.

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nope nothing. if nothing works im prolly gonna have to uninstall / reinstall


I don't think that should be necessary.

Please explain the problem you are having, as well as what you did to create it.


It is probably just an overlooked quick fix.

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Please explain the problem you are having, as well as what you did to create it.


It is probably just an overlooked quick fix.


well like I said in my first post I unbinded my number keys ( 8 9 0) tried all of the suggestions posted and I still cannot quit, go to next page, or go back on my admin menu. So when I open up admin it just stays there because i cannot quit.

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well like I said in my first post I unbinded my number keys ( 8 9 0) tried all of the suggestions posted and I still cannot quit, go to next page, or go back on my admin menu. So when I open up admin it just stays there because i cannot quit.


I am almost sure its slot1 slot2 slot3 etc.

Make sure your config is not set to readonly.


Right click and goto properties and uncheck "readonly". (if its checked)

Then go in and make those changes (slot8 slot9 and slot0), then save it.


Then you can change it back to readme if you want.

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This is what my config looks like now and it still doesnt work




Blah, I forgot yesterday.

I will check and see what the default is. (Is that the default?)


Did you try the other method I suggested, taking your current cfg out so it creates a new?

I will see what I can find, since no one else seems to be helpful at all.

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