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I apologize

The Bishop

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Hello, I was banned from the servers for leaving after losing a spy crab for a Bill's hat. The admin on at the time, Unofficial spy crabbed with another fellow player on the server Yuowin for a Bill's hat. I happily watched the game, reffed cheered them on and we enjoyed eachother's company. Unoficial lost the game and his bill's hat. After he lost he began asking any random player in the chat and spamming on the mic for people to gamble their bill's hats in a spy crab. I had absolutely no interest in this because I am not a wealthy player. I had one bill's hat and it was my first bill's hat ever. I am yet to own a buds or anything in it's range of value. Unofficial continued to ask other random players from the server to give up their bill's hat in a spy crab. He told me multiple times that I should partake in the spy crab. He even went as far to say play so you can win my Bill's hat back for me Bishop. I answered no and continued trading. Unofficial then told how losing only hurts for 5 seconds and that after that you feel fine. I told him a bill's hat is all I have and I am not a wealthy player. After continuous pressure from unnoficial and players from around the server who were listening to unnoficial pressure me over the mic., I unwillingfully agreed to partake in the spycrab for a bill's. And as you all know I lost the spycrab. I was filled with the worst pit in my stomache that I have ever experienced in my gaming career. My hands were shaking my heart was pounding. The only thing I could bear to do was immediately close the game. I was filled with guilt and shame and sorrow. I rejoined the trading servers still unable to think or concentrate on anything. Ten minutes later Yuowon met me on the trading server and asked that I give it back. I kindly agreed, knowing that it was the wise decision, I could not run from it, nor did I want to try. In the trade window I simply said: fml, this is the worst I have ever felt in my entire life. I put my bill's in the window and traded it away. I added yuowinit to my friends list. And I apologized for what I had done to him over steam and posted on his profile. Yuowin and I are friends and we do talk to eachother and he has forgiven me for leaving the server unnounced. Yuowin notified Unofficial that I had traded the bills to him as promised. That is what took place and I can only hope that Unofficial has the respect for his server to not put up spy crabs for bill's to the average player and not pressure players such as myself that are new to trading into playing for Bill's hat. This only leads to pain for those players and can create anger throughout the server. Unoffical cannot understand what a bill's hat means to the average player. Rumpig on the otherhand posts spy crab games that are great for everyone. Posting a 1 scrap entry fee at the most and sometimes even offering his own hats as a reward. Rumpig is an example of an admin that has respect for the players on the server and would never consider pressuring new players into gambling away their most prized item. I hope you understand from a better perspective what happened, I only wish that you can forgive me for my wrong doing. I apologize to all the admins and to the players on the server for being a bad example. Thank you for your time.



The Bishop

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1. Your in-game name: The Bishop

2. Server that you were banned on: Hells Gamer Trade Server

3. The Banning admin: Unofficial

4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:1:16702070

5. Reason for ban: Leaving after a Spycrab


Please take in consideration that I have traded on this server for the past month without any trouble from any of the admins. We all get along well and I have had many great times spending time with them in games, and many trades even with the admins. Also, on my steam page I have positive reviews from happy people that have traded with me. I am not a scammer, and I apologize for what happened and can only hope that you will unban me.



The Bishop

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Hey there Bishop.


You left after agreeing to a spy-crab bet for a bills. In the trading community that is not taken very lightly. Even if you are pressured in to it, you still had the option to say no. When you agreed upon a bet, especially in front of an admin, you have to make the trade or get banned...


He had to track you down on another server, and confront you in front of people for you to do give it to him. And even after you gave it to him, you begged for it back.


Even though 30 minutes later and him confronting you that you actually gave it to him, scamming is scamming. You scammed him and left. In my opinion it should be a permanent ban.


Also, I asked you twice if you would do it to which you stated "I dont know". Never did you say "No". If you would have just said no, the 2 other players in the server wouldn't have asked you again. As for me "spamming" on the mic, asking if anyone wanted to spycrab duel 2 times doesn't mean spam.


And to you and Yuowin being friends now, he's been talking to me via steam, here is some logs:


1:54 AM - Yuowin: I got a message from Rumpig asking about that bills fiasco, I guess that kid is asking for access to the server now

1:54 AM - Un0fficial: yep

1:55 AM - Un0fficial: He was actually in here a few minutes ago. Cause the server admin didnt ban the steam ID yet so I just banned him. He was in here under a different name and stuff

1:56 AM - Yuowin: Yeah I noticed that, he added me on friends and was begging for the item back, I actually feel a little bad, but one lesson I learned young is you don't ask for a bet back.

1:57 AM - Un0fficial: exactly

1:57 AM - Un0fficial: and to beg is kinda sad

1:57 AM - Un0fficial: = /

1:58 AM - Un0fficial: Let me ask you this, did he add you like 20 mintues later and tell you what server he was in to go get it or did you find out what server he was in and go confront him

1:58 AM - Yuowin: Oh no, I added him, and waited for steam to update so I could see what server he was in, and then confronted him there.

1:58 AM - Un0fficial: Ha, he told rumpig that he added you and told you to come get it :P




I'll talk to DIRTY about it when he gets on.

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The fact is I had never spy crabbed for anything high stake and yes I did say no twice into my mic, multiple times into chat, and also in emotes, which apparently you don't pay attention to. In my opinion spy crab competitions have no belonging in the hell gamers server and sounds like something that belongs at an unusual server. It is very easy for you to say this when you have multiple unusuals and brag about how you don't deal with anything but unusuals in game. And in the end Yuowin has my hat and I lost my favorite hat which I still struggle to think about. So if you want me to be permanently banned for you pressuring me into something I didn't want to do then you are a very cruel person and you do not have the best interest for the players of the server like you should. Repetitively announcing in your mic to players spy crab for bills and picking several random players out of chat and calling upon random players you see walking around the server to compete is not ethical in my opinion. I think you need to reconsider your actions. And yes I did add yuowin. Right after the trade he did not add me, I added him. You have no proof to what you did in the server on your mic and I believe you were out of control. Hells Gamer server is not a high stake gambling server, please don't continue to pressure beginning players into gambling away they're accounts worth of items. If I am banned you are loosing a very valuable player to your server who could help contribute to a strong trading community. Again I am sorry for what I did, but I can not change the past.



The Bishop

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The fact is I had never spy crabbed for anything high stake and yes I did say no twice into my mic, multiple times into chat, and also in emotes, which apparently you don't pay attention to. In my opinion spy crab competitions have no belonging in the hell gamers server and sounds like something that belongs at an unusual server. It is very easy for you to say this when you have multiple unusuals and brag about how you don't deal with anything but unusuals in game. And in the end Yuowin has my hat and I lost my favorite hat which I still struggle to think about. So if you want me to be permanently banned for you pressuring me into something I didn't want to do then you are a very cruel person and you do not have the best interest for the players of the server like you should. Repetitively announcing in your mic to players spy crab for bills and picking several random players out of chat and calling upon random players you see walking around the server to compete is not ethical in my opinion. I think you need to reconsider your actions. And yes I did add yuowin. Right after the trade he did not add me, I added him. You have no proof to what you did in the server on your mic and I believe you were out of control. Hells Gamer server is not a high stake gambling server, please don't continue to pressure beginning players into gambling away they're accounts worth of items. If I am banned you are loosing a very valuable player to your server who could help contribute to a strong trading community. Again I am sorry for what I did, but I can not change the past.



The Bishop



Again man, you're your own person. You not having the will power to not play is your own fault and nobody else. It says you're 20 years old. Old enough to take responsibility for your own actions. Spycrab duels happen on all trading servers. You could have just kept playing but you decided to gamble. No servers are high stakes gambling servers... they're trade servers that people enjoy spycrabbing on.


You've already been added to the SourceOP scammer list and soon UHC list. What you did was a major major no-no in the trading community. Again, I really don't think anyone but DIRTY really knows about the trading community here on HG, so I'll speak to him via steam about this.

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Guest The_Monkey

After speaking with a fellow council member, the idea of banning someone because they didn't follow through with a bet is ludicrous.


Our server is a trade server, not a gambling server. If you can't make a complete trade in a single transaction, then that is your fault, and you accept every repercussion that could arise from doing a multi-transaction trade.


Betting is completely stupid. There is no guarantee that someone will follow through. As it stands now, if you make a bet with someone, it is our decision that any participant can withdraw at any time from the bet, including after the bets stakes have been met.


Maybe in the future we could create a betting mod of some sort, but until then, if you bet and you get shafted by a participant, it is your own damn vault (get it shaft/vault).

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