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Please remove "premium features" on all HG TF2 servers (Posting for HG|DRAGON too )


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HG | DRAGON (yes i am posting with his permission) and I played in the "upgraded" servers last night with the new "premium features" and we left within a few minutes.


We both agreed that all the servers were unplayable with the new features and it seemed more like someone had installed hacks on a few players (which would normally get you banned due to the unfair advantage they give). It was an unpleasant playing experience and just ruined the fun (I actually got motion sickness from the speed).


DRAGON SAID, "I just won't play in any of those servers with all that extra stuff again. Who wants to play in a server where u have all that extra stuff, especially when it is an advantage that the others don't have? If anything, I would rather be the underdog."


I agree with his statements.


A game is only fun when the playing field is even and for this reason, both HG|DRAGON and I are requesting that ALL of the "premium features" be removed.


Please restore the servers to how they were before with JUST "RTD". I feel that keeping any of the "new features" would kill the server, much like it did last night. Honestly, even if you gave everyone the new features, I think it would kill the server as I cannot think of many that would want to endure all those "perks".


Please give us back the great playing experience we used to have and what brought us to HG in the first place!!


Pretty please?!!



Edited by VIXEN
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Just went in again and it seems that the speed is slower, but I still managed to clear the server in a matter of minutes handing out golden wrenches and using the "premium" features. The bots didn't seem to mind playing against me, but everyone else did from what I could tell.

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Guys right now we are still trying to fix the bugs out. Dirty just adjusted it so it should be better so give us time to weed out the problems.

Just post us and give us details what the problems are and we will get it done.


I appreciate you guys looking at it, but honestly my vote along with HG|DRAGON (yes I talked with him again) would be to simply take off the mod. If you have questions about how others feel, start a poll and I think most would agree to take it completely off.

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