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My side of the story: My bogus ban by Deagle


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1. Abuser Name: Deagle

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:8217197

3. What sever: HLstatsX: 24/7 OFFICE N00b Training Facility

4. About what time: 2009-04-29 04:07:50

5. PROOF: http://s667.photobucket.com/albums/vv36/enarbz/?action=view&current=deag1.jpg


i called him a jew cuz he made a comment about my name being a place where a prophet died (jesus).


HG| John: Golgotha was a place where a prophet died, ONLY a prophet.

ME: cuz ur a jew.


Jews only believe jesus to be a prophet. where's the harm in that? and calling someone a jew is by no means a racist comment cuz: 1. Jew refers to a religion not an innate skin color or "race". 2. The term Jew is not politically incorrect, as it is used widely and professionally by even members of government to refer to people who practice that religion.


When i called him a jew, there was absolutely no malice involved. And as for that **** of a terrible admin and waste of human space "Deagle", there's no way he could effectively know if the intentions behind my comment were antagonistic to the other **** HG|John or if they were simply out of my knowledge about this subject.


FURTHERMORE!!!! There are absolutely NO players in this server that have ever said, "hey, you know that Deagle guy(****), he's a really cool guy that is a great admin. He really makes people happy when they play here." I've talked to just about everyone in the server who's anybody in there, and they all say the same thing. And it's something along the lines of, "YA DEAGLE IS A DOUCHE BAG PIECE OF SHEEEIT, AND A TERRIBLE ADMIN". I've been playing in the server since early 2006, around the time of the server's founding. So, pretty much since the beginning of time for the server, and i've gotten along with just about everyone. Never been banned or kicked or anything like that. Until i met ****-DEAGLE. And I really think that the purpose for Homer making the server and maintaining it is so that people loyal to it will continue to return and have a good time. Being a player for the last, what, 3 1/2 years i think i'd consider myself a pretty loyal and well liked player among everyone in the server seeing as how i never bug anyone and do an ok job at helping out which ever team i'm on. As for deagle...errr..****-DEAGLE, just ask around how many people like his way of "governing" the server. Cuz afterall, that's what an admin does and should be. A governor for Homer. So please, get rid of the ****-DEAGLE!!!!



P.S. In the end also, couldn't you say that HG|John was making fun of my religion by antagonistically saying "Golgotha is the place where a prophet was crusified"?

therefore that's abuse in itself! The proof provided at the top shows that John was the agressor, not I!!!

Edited by INCUBUS
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1. Abuser name: mine " HT | Deagle

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:8217197

3. What sever: Office Noob Training Facility

4. About what time: iunno 4 / 5 in the morning where i am





check it out

Edited by mangled
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I didn't make fun of his religion, i made a remark about his name and lol'd.


We had another thread that also had to do with "jew"


It ended up with a ban also.


Why should this one be any different.




edit; There was no need for another post about this.

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The way he used the word JEW was in no way hateful. It was used to describe exactly why you have the belief you do about "Jesus". Because you are supposedly Jewish. And if you are indeed Jewish, then you are in fact, a JEW. whats wrong with that? Nothing. You knew the context of the words use, yet Deagle still banned him.

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ur "lol" at my name was because you think my religion is "funny" or "absurd" therefore ur comments should have been kept to ur D@MN self. Still doesn't negate the fact that you started the whole thing, and verbaly abused me. I was bothering no one. And the Jew comment is totally subjective. You can no way through text conclude that my comment was any sort of biggotry.

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I don't necessarily like Deag1e, but I will say this:


Deag1e can be a rather bitchy person at time, but he is also a good admin when he wants to be.


That's all I've got so say. Whether I stand alone, or not I'm going to stick with my statement.

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i rofl at fdhelmin's post. (and vandium) but actually, jewish is a "race" while also being a religion.

here is a very what i think of as astute yahoo answers quote.

each, both and neither


it is a religion in that Judaism is a belief system with ritual and practice, and an underlying philosophy aimed at a connection to the divine and an adherence to divine command, but it is a race in that membership in the system (even without belief!) is passed through a genetic connection -- you cannot choose not to be Jewish if you are born in. However, because Judaism recognizes conversion, the religion cannot be purely racial (you cannot convert to another race). Therefore, it is easiest to say that it is a religion with racial/genetic components.


And most jewish people, or israelites if you prefer, have a similar look, larger nose in western europe for example.


If you thought this was racist then stfu.


I dont see any real problem in someone calling someone a jew unless someone is blatantly offended.

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