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Admin abuse


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There was an admin abusing. He told me to get out of his base then when i said no he kicked me. he also kicked me before this when i said "i saw you pick him up and throw him away, don't admin abuse" and then the third time i thought i'd record it were he bans 3 other people randomly. Rizon i think was his name. Please take away his admin for abuse this is disapointing.


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Ok. Boshi.


Here's the first thing you did last night.


1. I am trying to get the soda machine out of my base, position it and take a gas canister and push it out, while i am doing this task you come towards me as i am doing it and you get hit by the soda machine and you acuse me of RDM, which you and 3 other users could tell i was moving it AND i stated through mic.

2. You continue to acuse me of rdm, i secondly tell you to get out of my base, when you dont have permission to be in there, your not a thief nor are you a gangster but i tell you to get out and warn you 5+ times i kick you for arguing w/ admin/minge...then you come back argue seom more, but this time i kill you for being in my base w/o my permission, and obviously im building and i can't get the soda machine out of my base with a door closed.

3. You again continue to acuse me of rdm and of admin abuse because you start disrespecting me, insulting me, and arguing with me when im explaining you the rules. AND all you can say is "I'm a regular and im going to send this and talk to HOMER and get you banned." Threatening an admin as well. After all your minging i ban you for 30 minutes, not 120 (i.e. 2 hours) so you could chill and just play instead of trolling on the server.

4. You Come on teamspeak(also which i have a recording, posted below) You and your girlfirend or sister, not sure who, continously using foul language directed at me, and i tell her you need to stop that, you can't come into the help desk and talk like that, as a warning i kick them from the channel, hense they come back and keep talking crap about me how i am a piece of S*** and i dont have a g/f, no life, etc...At this point i grab HG |Jella and say " i need your help, all i can do it kick from channel, jella see thje situation and bans them perma from TS3 for being a troll.




Before you approach someone, take a second and let them talk and explain, instead of talking over them and acusing them continously. i gave you Plenty of chances hense you ignored me


TS3 Altercation: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YZZ4D1Z0


Demo: 1st demo, I am trying to get the soda machine out. and he trolls: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NZF1EKEQ

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1.Ok first of all i was out of your way when you started to move the soda machine out of the way, then you spawned another prop i think it was a air canister and you swung it around threating me "if you dont get out im going to kill you" even though i was behind one side of the counter of the room and the air canister and the machine were on the other side. Therefore i was causing absolutely no obstruction towards you.


2. i accused you of RDMing which is what you did. also another thing i said nothing offensive towards you, also the thief and gangster thing. I was neither correct, but i was doing nothing except BE in your place, i did no minging of any sort.


3. I stated that if you were to abuse me more and if you started to admin abuse me that i would report it to the forums and homer.


4. I came on to teamspeak to talk to you about the problem and you were having none of it. I did not offend you that was out of my power. at the point you started getting abused i was on the bed and my girlfreind was on the computer. I'm sorry you got so butthurt and wound out over a girl


Further more you were breaking games rules and then admin abused me in game THEN you called a superior to your self and told them a lie which is that i was trolling, He was in the channel for a matter of 5 seconds maybe less and then he banned me. In five seconds a troll cannot be determined especially if the person was not even on the mic.


I am honestly sorry for the altercation we had but you must not do these sorts of things in game dude. The whole offending you thing wasn't me so don't blame me.



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@ Staff/ Council Requesting Close of this thread.. and review this post.


This is a meaningless banter. Unless you can prove more proof saying i did these things.

Your demo show 5 seconds of your walking up to my base, and me being dead on the floor.

Re-submit some proof for report, also coming onto the forums and insulting me is going to get you no where.

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After listening to the TS3 conversation, there isn't really much to be said.


1. It is completely unnecessary for your "girlfriend" to cuss out other people especially over a game


2. Your demo shows nothing, and the TS3 conversation tells me that either there was a minor misunderstanding over what he was doing and over-reaction occured.


3. No Proof, nothing.

You should be very lucky that you (and your girlfriend) are not permanently banned from servers and such.

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