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Admin report (Abuse, Jailbreak)


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1. Abuser name: [HG] IPTRER

2. Their Steam Id: no Id to give

3. What server:[HG] JAILBREAK #1 - HeLLsGamers.com | 30+ LR's | FastDL

4. About what time: 04/04/2011 About 11:20 p.m

5. PROOF: Proof has been provided below in the form of a screenshot

6. Please tell us about the incident: The proof explains the situation quite well given the fact that the indecent in question occurred over chat. I would like to point out however I am not currently banned or T-listed, however I will update this thread should that status change.


Side Note: I have observed over the course of several weeks that the abuser often gradually escalate the level of is abuse, yet still exercises enough restraint as to go unnoticed by Administrators. This combined with the fact that they often befriends many of the regular players on the server as well as other admins has resulted in a majority of abuses going unreported. This is and has been a long standing issue I have had with the jailbreak server cited above, but my hope is by bringing this to the attention of influential administrators that this problem can eventually be corrected. Please not that everything stated in the "Side Note" column is a personal statement about how bad the abuse situation is on the aforementioned server.


Apology: I would like to make a formal apology to [HG] IPTRER for the unintentional slander of both his name and reputation. I would also like to clarify something that may have been misrepresented on my part. When I wrote my my statements above, I was not in the best state of mind and as such I did not fully proof read what I had typed, so I have modified what was previously written in order to help convey the actual message I was trying to make. Please understand that i did not purposely intend to use you [HG] IPTRER as the example for my statements about the abuse on said jail break server.


Edited by S.W.E.D
Modification of Personal Statement
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1. Abuser name: [HG] IPTRER

2. Their Steam Id: no Id to give

3. What server:[HG] JAILBREAK #1 - HeLLsGamers.com | 30+ LR's | FastDL

4. About what time: 04/04/2011 About 11:20 p.m

5. PROOF: Proof has been provided below in the form of a screenshot

6. Please tell us about the incident: The proof explains the situation quite well given the fact that the indecent in question occurred over chat. I would like to point out however I am not currently banned or T-listed, however I will update this thread should that status change.


Side Note: I have observed over the course of several weeks that the abuser in question has been gradually escalating the level of is abuse, yet still exercises enough restraint as to go unnoticed by Administrators. This combined with the fact that he befriends many of the regular players on the server as well as other admins has resulted in a majority of abuses going unreported. This is and has been a long standing issue I have had with the jailbreak server cited above, but my hope is by bringing this to the attention of influential administrators that this problem can eventually be corrected.




...k, I definitely appreciate your formality

the part i just bolded is utter bullshit.

#1. you started playing here today

#2. I just got admin back yesterday.


I cancelled my admin like months ago


try again


also you were banned earlier today for spamming a hldj clip about 25 times after being told to stop and muted as well, while i was leading in the course of a few rounds. So i got frustrated and banned you. Sue me.



AND LOL I JUST SAW YOUR SCREENSHOT, priceless. You actually think that i would ban tech n9ne? I was joking around btw, I didnt actually ban anyone.


as for me being unreported? you do me too much credit. I've been reported for admin abuse probably 10 times. You know how many reports have been acccepted? NOT ONE.


and the reason I've made friends with the regulars in jailbreak, is because I've been around in jailbreak for several months, as a "sort-of liked" member of the jb community. Most of the population likes/doesn't mind me. The ones who hate me are trolls who like to freekill, spam, break rules, and call everyone n****'s.




I don't believe I abused my administrative powers. and you can get all the trolls here to back you up, the regulars and admins (including trusted/super), know I don't abuse my powers. And they know I'm a decent administrator, ESPECIALLY for the fact that I purchase admin.



In closing, this is an issue best and obviously solved by staff/council. I wish you luck in your smear campaign against me good sir. (hurr durr i can be formal too)



P.S: This isn't a youtube video, you don't have to tag everything..

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also you were banned earlier today for spamming a hldj clip about 25 times after being told to stop and muted as well, while i was leading in the course of a few rounds. So i got frustrated and banned you. Sue me.


I do believe that you have me confused with someone else. I was at School/work for the majority of that day and did not log on until 11:00 p.m so I do not think that I was involved, aside from that I lack any understanding of how to operate audio clips.

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I do believe that you have me confused with someone else. I was at School/work for the majority of that day and did not log on until 11:00 p.m so I do not think that I was involved, aside from that I lack any understanding of how to operate audio clips.


Yeah, I did some research after my post (I was pretty angry, sorry), and realised that I was talking about DR PEPPERS, who was spamming duke nukem "I've got balls of steel". He was actually the one that I banned.


My apologies for the falsified accusation. That is a mistake on my part.



Edit: In the case that this report IS classified as proof of an abuse, (whether a removal of admin is performed or not) I will apologize, move on, and do my best to learn from my mistakes, and know in the future another thing that could be classified as an abuse of power that I wasn't aware of before. <--- This is all in a hypothetical premonition.

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Edit: In the case that this report IS classified as proof of an abuse, [/b](whether a removal of admin is performed or not) I will apologize, move on, and do my best to learn from my mistakes, and know in the future another thing that could be classified as an abuse of power that I wasn't aware of before. <--- This is all in a hypothetical premonition.


It was my intent when I started this thread to invoke the removal of your admin, but after reconsidering the facts I don't see any reason why such action should be taken. You are from what I have seen a very capable and mildly reasonable lead in "jailbreak" and as far as admin goes I haven't seen much except for the incident I'm presenting. I have also not personally had any problems with you up until this point. I only started this thread because what I believed you of doing was in its own right a blatant and public abuse of power. The most irritating part is that even though others notice they either take the side of the abuser (Highlighted in the "PROOF" addendum from the Original post) or choose not to care until it happens to them.

Edited by S.W.E.D
Addition of quote, Modification of Statement
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It was my intent when I started this thread to invoke the removal of your admin, but after reconsidering the facts I don't see any reason why such action should be taken. You are from what I have seen a very capable and mildly reasonable lead in "jailbreak" and as far as admin goes I haven't seen much except for the incident I'm presenting. I have also not personally had any problems with you up until this point. I only started this thread because what I believed you of doing was in its own right a blatant and public abuse of power. The most irritating part is that even though others notice they either take the side of the abuser (Highlighted in the "PROOF" addendum from the Original post) or choose not to care until it happens to them.




I honestly don't remember kicking you for "I DONT", however the logs will show if I did or not.


It might have been one of the other admins in the server


I appreciate your modicum of respect for me even given our current situation, and your striving toward a peaceful resolution.

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Would you like to peacefully resolve this problem we seem to have?



It seems that's what's already happening.


Though to answer your question; I'd like to do anything that makes you feel like justice has been served with the current topic.


So in essence it's up to you as the report filer. Whatever your decision I'll still try to maintain a calm and collected sense of the situation

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Closing Statement:I do feel that the problem was addressed and i see no need to continue any further with these unpleasantries.


Note: I am glad that we were able to keep this civil and I'm sure the Abuse council will be happy that we were able to work this problem among our selves. On a final note, I would like to give you my thanks in regards to being so reasonable about this situation and for being respectful to me through out the course of these proceeding. It is my hope that we may put this behind us and move on as friends or at the least comrades.

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