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KaRMaH unban request


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1. Your in-game name:KaRMaH

2. Server that you were banned on: Jailbreak

3. The Banning admin: Lazerus

4. Your Steam-Id:STEAM_0:0:39218394

5. Reason for ban: I was saying how i wanted to nuke iraq because of their terrorism and such. I was warned and i am sorry for causing any trouble, i just thought at the time that saying something about our enemies like that was allowed, which it never should be. I'm not sure if its a perm ban, but i wanted to let everyone know whats up.

<3 you bear.

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You leave out a VERY important detail. You explicitly called them "towel heads" (Iptrer has promised me he will find the proofs from the logs). I kicked you for the racism, saying it wasn't allowed. You came back trolling me about how they're our enemies so it's okay. As an example I asked if the N-word would be allowed if we were somehow at war with black people. No, it's not. In any case, you kept pushing it, never giving up after my many warnings. You were trolling, you got banned for it. Racism isn't allowed. Trolling admins after being kicked for it isn't advised.

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Yep i said towel head, (meaning Al-Queda). Sarcasm is my way of literature and if you hate it then keep me banned, but i made more friends in that server than i did any other server. hense why i play it as much as i do. Imo, racism to an extent shouldn't be allowed, but just because i made a joke about towel heads doesn't mean you need to ban me. Yeah i got kicked twice? I'm just a type of guy who won't stop until i get my word in, and you were shutting me out and ignoring me. Thus why i was attempting to change the subject. The final straw was when i said i wanted to nuke iraq, which isn't racist at all, but from what you said in-game it was the straw that got me banned. Now if i was so racist, why was i banned for saying that i wanted to nuke iraq? No racism in that, a lot of ignorance, but no racism. Anyway* least i know you finally read this out.

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As promised laz, here i am <3


To Karmah:




Seems you've been pretty racist/disrespectful in your past time on this server.. also it seems Lazarus kicked you 3 times before banning you for this.


We don't tolerate discrimination of ANYONE here.


Here's some excerpts of the chatlogs from today and previous days from you in jailbreak (These can all be found in the link above):


"I'll be the man to one day nuke the middle east. Fuck those towel heads."




" Hey guess what the blonde said to the ginger... Let's fucking FREEKILL SOME T'S!"




" i slayed myself nig"

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there hasn't been a single problem for me lol.

i understand everything your saying, but ignorance is the reason why i left eGO.

Racism = No such thing.

Racism = ignorance shown by those who cannot see the fact that everyone is equal and that skin color does not matter.

Racism has never been a word, but an idea caused by those who think they're better than anyone else.

to clarify things, i see myself as less worthy to live than ANY OTHER COLOR. (except for those who are willing to kill innocents) [Reason why i joined the NAVY].

i say "nig" in a sense of friendship. Slang turn = Homie . Of course everyone has their own opinion, but when you open it up and read whats inside the book, its empty.

Ok enough dr.phil for me.

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