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Donald Trump Running For President


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I think Bloomberg, the Mayor of New York, should run for president. He has done a lot for New York City and I feel could really turn this country around.


I agree, he is a good example of doing what the people want and no party line bullshit. But Bob, are you from Florida? If you aren't, you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Marco Rubio sucks! Rubio is a tea party-hillbilly sack of shit that makes me ashamed to live in Florida where people are so stupid that they would elect a retard like him. I voted for Charlie Crist, he was a much better candidate. If Meek had gtfo of the way, sine no one wanted him anyway, Crist would be sitting in Rubio's seat and doing something constructive. Let us take a look at Carlos Alvarez, the former mayor of Miami-Dade County from the Republican Party. He was recently recalled because he raised taxes a shit ton while using a taxpayer allowance to lease himself a 70 thousand dollar BMW. A great example of how good a Republican leader would be for our country. By the way, Lazarus, people can contest him in the primary if they want to, it is just considered a tradition to not contest the incumbent president if you are from his party.

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