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1. Abuser name: JessicaJoy

2. Their Steam Id:

3. What server: Gmod 24/7 dark rp

4. About what time: 4pm pst

5. PROOF: Ive got about 3 30 minute long demos, not sure which one has all of this going on, ill post if asked.

6. Please tell us about the incident


Im not sure if shes having a bad day or what, but she sure as hell was not in a good mood. I got on, played for a bit, then I see her job abusing. I called her on it, and she started calling me names, telling me she had been playing longer than Ive been alive, and that shes a Vet and Im a recruit, so F off. I got off a while later and went to exit teamspeak when I see that I had been kicked for "disrespecting staff." Give me a break. Ive seen a lot of people talking about her lately and Weed said that he had been getting a lot of reports on her lately.


Earlier this week she commented on a thread of mine saying that Reap and I need to shut up and stop arguing like school girls, she then said to wait for a mod to respond to the thread, and then locked it... Im pretty sure thats counterproductive...


Also, just recieved this:




If you need any more information, I guess I could post up a few demos.





Heres the demo: http://www.mediafire.com/?w5adc30jay52cni


Ignore the first few minutes, nothing real important

Edited by Logix
uploading demo
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Here is the deal.


Regarding the RP server. I was Black Market Dealer. I bought a couple of shipments of nades. Zoomer bought 4 from the first shipment. Some other guy bought the other nade. I got bored, so I bought myself another couple of shipments. Logix, you started to cry about me "job abusing". I was selling the other nades I bought. The mod boss bought 1 from me. That is not job abusing. Yes, I said to you that I know the rules. Yes I said I was > you. (I was drinking since 3PM ..so I was pretty lit up ..ask Zoomer.)


You got kicked from Team Speak for the reason "Troll". You messaged me on TeamSpeak saying "Get over yourself". Which is also where the forum infraction comes from.


Also, I have the right to post in ban reports/requests. You guys WERE arguing like little school girls. I closed the thread so no more flaming and arguing when on. You two claimed to be "trying" to work of the issues ..but in the thread is not the place to do it. If you wanted to work out whatever issue you two were having, you should have done it privately.

Edited by ttaM
Your opinion doesn't matter.
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Drinking is never a valid explanation for acting out like that -.-. I said get over yourself, because you think that since you're a vet you can just go around demeaning anyone you see, which is not the case at all. How do you expect players to join as a recruit when they have a veteran claiming that recruits are stupid are are less than everyone else?


As to the Gmod part: The fact that you admitted to buying grenades and blowing stuff up with it is o.O. Going around and blowing peoples bases up as a black market dealer is job abuse.

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hmm based on the demo, it is at most circumstantial.


All I saw her do was throw a grenade... although not fun for you... not necessarily wrong either.


I see you got killed in the beginning. There isn't anything really of interest other than the grenade.

This is not admin abuse, at most, job abuse. <-- even then, it's at most circumstantial.


Both of you are in HG, I hope we won't have significant issues over a bad gmod session.



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