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Jailbreak Game Ideas (Extensions to Map)


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I just want soccer to be worth a damn (don't strip weapons, let the ball be moved by knifing it, CTvT soccer days never happen anyway, increase field size, lower ball's mass). Make it like real soccer. Plenty of other jb maps do an awesome job at making soccer (lego jail comes to mind) and they are downright fun :D. Perhaps, make a balcony of some sort that gives an overhead view of the soccer field. I dunno, I just feel that a lot more could be done with this with not so much more effort put forth. I am somewhat experienced in Hammer but have been slammed with work/school, so I understand not having time to do shit like this. The current soccer days are, oh how should i put this, mind-numbingly dull because it sucks!


I think pool vents should be connected to s4s vents. I also think the pool itself should be revamped like a) removing that annoying/pointless ball, B) removing the net in the pool/or just fixing the net so you are able to go underneath it. If net is removed, give a diving board that gives a "superjump" to the user to have lolz with. Just some thoughts. The obstacles around the soccer field could also be laid out in a way to create a cool "obstacle course" (the boxes/forklift/fence/etc) that would be a fun day.


I will make the most delicious pizza in exchange for these requests. See attached for further details.


Edited by Jadis
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I just want soccer to be worth a damn (don't strip weapons, let the ball be moved by knifing it, CTvT soccer days never happen anyway, increase field size, lower ball's mass). Make it like real soccer. Plenty of other jb maps do an awesome job at making soccer (lego jail comes to mind) and they are downright fun :D. Perhaps, make a balcony of some sort that gives an overhead view of the soccer field. I dunno, I just feel that a lot more could be done with this with not so much more effort put forth. I am somewhat experienced in Hammer but have been slammed with work/school, so I understand not having time to do shit like this. The current soccer days are, oh how should i put this, mind-numbingly dull because it sucks!


I think pool vents should be connected to s4s vents. I also think the pool itself should be revamped like a) removing that annoying/pointless ball, B) removing the net in the pool/or just fixing the net so you are able to go underneath it. If net is removed, give a diving board that gives a "superjump" to the user to have lolz with. Just some thoughts. The obstacles around the soccer field could also be laid out in a way to create a cool "obstacle course" (the boxes/forklift/fence/etc) that would be a fun day.


I will make the most delicious pizza in exchange for these requests. See attached for further details.


lmao that pizza is insane. I do kind of like the idea of pool vents being connected to s4s. If a T runs into pool from VIP at the beginning of the round they're pretty much dead.

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I just want soccer to be worth a damn (don't strip weapons, let the ball be moved by knifing it, CTvT soccer days never happen anyway, increase field size, lower ball's mass). Make it like real soccer. Plenty of other jb maps do an awesome job at making soccer (lego jail comes to mind) and they are downright fun :D. Perhaps, make a balcony of some sort that gives an overhead view of the soccer field. I dunno, I just feel that a lot more could be done with this with not so much more effort put forth. I am somewhat experienced in Hammer but have been slammed with work/school, so I understand not having time to do shit like this. The current soccer days are, oh how should i put this, mind-numbingly dull because it sucks!


I think pool vents should be connected to s4s vents. I also think the pool itself should be revamped like a) removing that annoying/pointless ball, B) removing the net in the pool/or just fixing the net so you are able to go underneath it. If net is removed, give a diving board that gives a "superjump" to the user to have lolz with. Just some thoughts. The obstacles around the soccer field could also be laid out in a way to create a cool "obstacle course" (the boxes/forklift/fence/etc) that would be a fun day.


I will make the most delicious pizza in exchange for these requests. See attached for further details.


Super good ideas! Now just add a dance floor with disco colors and a balcony and a ice skating rink and im good...and maybe a picture of that pizza somwhere in the map to remind me that there is better pizzas than pizza 73...oh im so hungry nao :(

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  • 3 weeks later...


Just look at my map , its got the best chance of being accepeted so anything you want adding in as you requested such as Ph.Dub's ideas....

Just post a reply


Ph. DUH...kthx


ps. didnt read my previous posts? ice skate, disco room and better soccer a must need.

Edited by DR.OBVIOUS
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Alright I'll think of a layout , as theres gonna be around 8 - 9 different things to do in the map... alot of things xD


So far thought off :





Ice hockey / Tennis or something

Rotating death maze

Some kind of last reaction simon says light game maybe ( like , 1 light flashes... the fastest person to press that light in their grid wins , the slowest looses )

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Alright I'll think of a layout , as theres gonna be around 8 - 9 different things to do in the map... alot of things xD


So far thought off :





Ice hockey / Tennis or something

Rotating death maze

Some kind of last reaction simon says light game maybe ( like , 1 light flashes... the fastest person to press that light in their grid wins , the slowest looses )


Maybe you should also have a lr place that opens up when lr is announced and there cloud be some little minigames there for ts and cts to play.

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Spade and Enigmo you both have not had answers to JJK as to if he even wants your modifications or maps. Judging by his trollercoaster i think he doesn't really want either


Enigm0 is talking about incorperating it into the current JB map. Spade is talking about creating a whole new map with various games in and asking people to TRY it, not incoperate it. therefore, IMO spade's = good idea, enigm0's = bad idea *cough*troll*cough*

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