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Crysis 2 Review (because noone reads the blogs anyway)


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Well as some of you may know i used to write reviews every so often but due to school work as well as other IRL issues i haven't really had much time to be active community wise or even write reviews. On that note I'm going to start writing reviews here on the forum and keep in mind these are my opinions that i have gathered of the game. I have also beaten the game from start to finish and found most of the "hidden" items that you can collect.

Without further Ado i give you Crysis 2. (image courtesy of Neogaf)




Story: The plot takes place a bit after Crysis 1 where you take on the roll as a HARDCORE BADASS BLOODY SCREEN SO REAL Marine who has a hang over apparently. The game opens up with a short intro informing you that there has been some sort of virus outbreak in New York City (oh man this hasn't happened before) and you are part of a marine team being sent in for a "humanitarian rescue mission." The first 15 minutes of the game plays out like a movie where you essentially just follow a"Press W to go forward 3 feet before another cut-scene" pattern till you are discovered by Prophet from Crysis 1. After a few confusing flashbacks and story telling

Prophet shoots himself
and you are now a proud owner of the NanoSuit v2. Now i was somewhat confused at this point in the game, Crysis 1 left off with Nomad looking up and seeing hundreds upon hundreds of Alien ships and the first enemies that you fight for quite awhile are Human members of an organization called "CELL." Now they didn't really give much of an explanation as to why they were my enemies other then that they were "The bad guys you need to kill them right now!"

So right off from the start we have a few issues:


1. A mute protagonist (oh did i forget that the protagonist does not speak?) they don't even do this well, in most silent protaganist games the NPCs start and end conversations. In Crysis 2 they talk to you, stare at you awkwardly and silently for a few seconds, then continue on like you are emitting some sort of high pitch tone only Crytek employees can hear.


2. A Cliche virus outbreak backed by some random enemy organization called CELL


3. A story that is a bit distant from what Crytek originally planned.


Now despite the flaws of the story i would have to say this was one of my favorite aspects of the game. There may have been some low parts to it but its a continuation of a plot that i enjoyed (yes i enjoyed crysis 1 come at me bro). CELL is explained as well as why the aliens look so different as compared to their Crysis forms. All in all i would have to say the story gets an 8/10


Graphics: Crysis made a name for its self based on the fact that "you had to have a beast of a computer" to run it. It was a very graphically advanced engine and most high end computers were screaming just to run it. Crysis 2 lives up to that standard (despite the dx11 issues) as it is one of the most beautiful games I have encountered on the PC for awhile. Well since Crysis i guess. Despite a few physic bugs where my vehicle would shoot into outer space from hitting a rock i would have to say this is another area where Crysis 2 stands strong. 10/10


Gameplay: I'm going to lay it down right here at the start of this section an opinion that if you disagree with then you will probably not like what I have to say for the rest of the section. I AM FUCKING TIRED OF CALL OF DUTY GAMES AND CALL OF DUTY CLONES. Seriously there are so many COD knock offs that it's getting ridiculous, and Crysis 2 falls in with the same fucking category as Call of Duty. Hell this game is almost nothing like the first Crysis! Since when does V2 of a Nanosuit mean LESS abilities? In this game they have taken the "Maximum Speed" feature and have completely removed it. Oh wait a minute they simply incorporated it into the sprint feature. Another feature they have directly incorporated into the suit is Strength. the only time you can activate your strength is to hold down the melee key and then it drains all of the energy from your suit. So now all you are left with is armor, and stealth. Crysis 2 just became Call of Crysis 2: Nanosuit 2. I'm not even kidding, this game is nothing more then Call of duty with a "cloaking" feature. 4/10


Multiplayer: Now i know a big issue with Crysis was that since it took Computers from the future to simply run Singleplayer so multiplayer of course had lag issues. Crysis's MP became unplayable until the release of Warhead which fixed quite a few issues and resulted in more smooth gameplay. That to say the least made Crysis one of my favorite MP games, it was a Sci-Fi battlefield 2 done right (sorry but it makes 2142 look like poop). There was nothing more fun then saving up credits (which were given to you based on what rank you held in the match, the longer in a match you were and the better you performed the higher rank you would get) and tricking out your kit so you can jump, kill, cloak, then run and steal an opponents vehicle after they spawned it. But this all disappears in Crysis 2 because of course what has happened to the Crysis series? It caught Call of Duty Syndrome. Crysis 2 MP is broken, laggy, and exactly like Call of Duty with a cloak feature everyone can use. 6/10


Sound: Not much to list on this section but I would have to say this is another point where Crysis 2 stands strong. Sound effects on on spot and the music is actually VERY well done. Not to say the least most of the OST is composed and written by phenomenal composers. However, some songs sound very similar to others and some of the voicing done (or lack there of for the main character) bugs me. 7/10



Well there you have it, my first review in quite awhile. Crysis 2 is the direct sequel to Crysis that despite suffering from Call of Duty Syndrome still retains an interesting and fun single-player storyline. But hell, not many people buy games for their single player aspects anymore anyways. Crysis 2 gets a 6/10




Oh and Crysis 2 AI: just watch the video lol guy can walk through the last level


Edited by Weeman
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OMFG i totally agree the increased pace and cod like feel is so incredible bad, the graphics are amazing, the story is pretty dumb especially if you played crysis 1 and warhead like me, they dont mention Nomand or phyco, the alien invasion was pretty much covered up i guess, no mention of N.Korea, and the part i hate the most is the squiggly squidish aliens i personally enjoyed the flying all metal with most of the ground forces compling of humans, much better then the red and squiggly slobbery type used in crysis 2 and i also dont like how the virus looks like a tumor i which it was more mechanical like some type of mechanical plague because all of crysis 1 and warhead the aliens were pretty much all mechanical.

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Shouldn't it get a 7 since (8+10+4+6)/4 = 7?


I don't go by averages per say, i give each section its own score and then a score for what i think of the overall game. i have edited the post though to include sound though.


OMFG i totally agree the increased pace and cod like feel is so incredible bad, the graphics are amazing, the story is pretty dumb especially if you played crysis 1 and warhead like me, they dont mention Nomand or phyco, the alien invasion was pretty much covered up i guess, no mention of N.Korea, and the part i hate the most is the squiggly squidish aliens i personally enjoyed the flying all metal with most of the ground forces compling of humans, much better then the red and squiggly slobbery type used in crysis 2 and i also dont like how the virus looks like a tumor i which it was more mechanical like some type of mechanical plague because all of crysis 1 and warhead the aliens were pretty much all mechanical.


In Crysis it is explained that those metal casings shelter those jello looking specters you meet in Crysis. But yes, in Crysis 2 they have almost COMPLETELY reworked the look of the aliens, which is to say a bit distasteful. But my biggest issue was at the end of Crysis its "HOLY SHIT THE WORLDS GONNA END LOOK AT ALL DOSE ALIENS." and in Crysis 2 its like "oh shit theres like 7 aliens and a virus wat do"

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I don't go by averages per say, i give each section its own score and then a score for what i think of the overall game. i have edited the post though to include sound though.




In Crysis it is explained that those metal casings shelter those jello looking specters you meet in Crysis. But yes, in Crysis 2 they have almost COMPLETELY reworked the look of the aliens, which is to say a bit distasteful. But my biggest issue was at the end of Crysis its "HOLY SHIT THE WORLDS GONNA END LOOK AT ALL DOSE ALIENS." and in Crysis 2 its like "oh shit theres like 7 aliens and a virus wat do"


Its like the decide to go in hibernation and all the humans just decide to forget about them, i think they decided to rework the story so console players wouldnt be so lost, since they would start the game AND OMFG MASSIVE ALIEN INVASION WTF JUST HAPPENED

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