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TF2 Config Question

Kurosaki Ichigo

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Okay so I get very low fps on TF2 and I've tried so many things. But then someone told me about this config http://www.fakkelbrigade.eu/chris/configs/cfg/highframes.htm. Now my question is, am I allowed to use this config or is it considered cheating/hacking. I wont use it if it's going to prevent me from playing in ESEA or CEVO and if its going to get me banned from the clan.

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ESEA and CEVO all run Sv_pure servers. That auto resets all huds and everything to the basics. Any changes will go unnoticed(I think)

Also, read the top few lines. SV_CHEATS NEEDS TO BE SET TO 1. This is like finding a needle in a haystack, one in over 9000 servers allow cheats, because you can crash servers, as well as equip a jetpack and the garys mod rope "Grapple"

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Tommo is right, dont ask everyone th esame question, We know what we are doing, or alternitively, just research it yourself. Google is your friend, but dont bing it.

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