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Battlefield: Play 4 Free


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Hey guys, Morgan Karma here!


I just checked out this new Free 2 Play mmofps from the makers of Battlefield. It is called Battlefield: Play4Free. It is backed by Play4Free and EA, plus if you've played EA's Battlefield: Heroes, the controls will still be the same. Yet in this one, you are set in a more modern (non-cartoonish) place, full of 32 player battles. It runs graphics from Battlefield 2, and most of the maps are placed in famous locations in Battlefield 2, but overall it's very nice. In the game you can be four different classes:


  • Assault
  • Medic
  • Engineer
  • Recon


Each class has their own weapons they can use and abilities or perks that they gain later on. Assault is your all around class to fight in up close to long range battles, they are the most common. Medics and Engineers are the more support soldiers that you will sometimes see since they carry the big guns. Last, but certainly not least, is the Recon class, which is (as you might have already guessed it) your sniper class.


All together this game was well thought of for the people that like the battlefield series and were wanting a good mmofps to play without having to pay the money for the gun. Sadly enough there is one major con to the game. The guns you purchase using "credits" only last 3 days max, so if you want to use a gun permanent, you better take out your credit card.


I give this game a solid 7.5/10.


Check out the full game at: http://battlefield.play4free.com/

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