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Final Fantasy 7 review (wow really?)


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I'd have to say that sums up what this review is going to be. It's hard to review a game that was released so long ago for a few reasons. But I'd had to say that sums up the biggest one. Lets face it a lot of us who grew up playing that game are now a bit older, and with the new generation of consoles trying to appeal to a broader market of people, Gaming is not exclusive to dedicated gamers anymore. With such an incredible increase of the gamer population tied with the time since its released you end up with a lot of people saying "final fantasy what?" Final Fantasy 7 was made back in the day when games lasted your moneys worth while giving you a compelling story and great game rpg game mechanics and characters. So not a lot of the "BLOODY SCREEN SO REAL" generation knows about it or has actually played. Some will hear others discuss it and go based off that but most unfortunately do not care about these types of games anymore. Well instead of me ranting let me give it a quick review ( its 4/20 i got shit to do).


Story: Yes yes we KNOW. Final Fantasy 7 is is most known for having one of the greatest stories out of the Final Fantasies, it was open, it was new, it was awesome(I still think FF6 has a better one though). You have your main characters: Cloud (Emo Ex-Soldier from SOLDIER who has a thing for men with long SWORDS), Tifa Aeris/th (this is probably gonna start an argument amongst you beardnecks already), Barret (the topic of many racist discussions about this game for a few reasons), Red XIII (tigercatdogbeast), Vincent (the most emo motherfucker in the world...well until he turns into CHAOS, seriously that limit break has saved me so many times), Cid (a man with a dream about being a space cowboy), Cait Sith (moggle robot thingy fortune teller), Yuffie (energetic ninja chick), and finally Sephiroth(The man with the biggest sword of them all!). Wow that was a lot of character summary! Lets compare it to modern day FPS: meathead A can't talk and can jump through glass. Meat Head B is your best bro until he turns bad guy and you kill him.

Anyways back to the story. The story follows the adventures of Cloud a "not a single fuck was given" ex-SOLDIER mercenary who runs around with his child hood friend Tifa and the stereotyped black man Barret(seriously guys look this one up, turns out Barret was supposed to die but they thought it was too cliche and racist and switched it to Aeirth/s/t/h/t/s/h) run around with a gang blowing up Mako reactors to save the planet. Few hours later you find out Sephiroth(previously thought dead) has been resurrected after a face off with Shinra. 20 hours later you find out Aeris is the last remaining of an ancient nomadic race that roamed around the land and could communicate with the earth. Either way the crew sets out to find Sephiroth and prevent him from acquiring the black materia which could summon Meteor and hurt the planet enough to awaken the "self defense mako stream" and use it to become a god. Now i could go on and on about the story but most of us already know it and know that this was the biggest part of Final Fantasy 7. The story was so well written and detailed even your supporting characters had in depth stories. For fuck sakes they gave Vincent his own game (which was pretty enjoyable for what its worth)! 10/10 for the story (I'd give it a 9 but i fear for my life). Oh and of course how could we all forget this moment in the game which probably resulted in quite a few manly tears. well the image is probably going to make you laugh but we all know what it means/


Graphics: Wow this is really hard to do, i mean they fucking look like Lego blocks now. I'm sure back when we were younger those graphics were "cool" and "innovative" and "realistic" but now its just like playing minecraft with characters with a fetish for zippers and hair gel. Oh and really really really big swords. I'd have to say 7/10 Just because I'm sure i wasn't drooling when I saw this game's graphics when i was younger.


Sound: Now most Final Fantasies (including the recent BLEH ones) have always maintained an amazing soundtrack. The compositions are always written to match every scene, every battle, every step you take. This game was also the birth of Sephiroth's theme which has probably been heard by anyone who has ever used the internet before. Final Fantasy 7 had an amazing soundtrack so i can't give it anything less then a 7/10 .


Gameplay: Final Fantasy 7 used a very simple, yet effective combat mechanic for RPGS. You get to use 3 party members at any given time and at most times you are able to rotate them out on the world map or at save points. Everybody has their own character preferences but once most people found out Aerith/s/s/s/s/s/th dies any replays were done without leving her. To be honest i prefer the gameplay mechanics of the older final fantasies to the modern ones. Hell. atleast you had CONTROL over your characters! with abominations like final fantasy 13 where you control your party leader and the others attack based with paragrims (i think thats what they are called?) No press X to not die, no bloody screen, no fucking cutscene after every battle, and attack animations are optional if you get tired of seeing cloud fly around screen for 2 minutes to do 9999 damage. My only complain is sometimes choosing your target can be annoying. Other then that The gameplay is almost as great as the story. There are also of course many fun minigames you can spend hours playing. 7/10 10/10[/size][/color]


well thats the short version, here are some pictures to enjoy




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