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I <3 America


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It looks like the start to a good idea, but I wonder how effective it would be. If a mugger or otherwise undesirable is not incapacitated by the first shot then the user could be in serious trouble. Since it doesn't have the traditional look of a gun, I doubt the sight of it by itself would be enough to instill fear in a would-be attacker.

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NJ sucks with gun laws. im no kidding u have to have a firearms license to buy a BB gun. i went to a sporting goods store and tried to get one, and they told me that and then i went on internet and read the state laws about it and they were right

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It looks like the start to a good idea, but I wonder how effective it would be. If a mugger or otherwise undesirable is not incapacitated by the first shot then the user could be in serious trouble. Since it doesn't have the traditional look of a gun, I doubt the sight of it by itself would be enough to instill fear in a would-be attacker.


Yeah no shit, this little thing actually forces you to use it. Because the attacker is not going to know its a gun, it looks like a skateboard key, or wrench of some sort...


And when you miss that one shot, you done pissed him off enough to kill your old ass.

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What happens when a terrorist smuggles one on a plane though?


Well, he(or she, because we aren't a sexist country!) might want to try and bring a box of ammunition to reload his "skateboard key".


I bet you'd just look like a complete idiot shooting this thing for fun.

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What happens when a terrorist smuggles one on a plane though?


Well, he(or she, because we aren't a sexist country!) might want to try and bring a box of ammunition to reload his "skateboard key".


I bet you'd just look like a complete idiot shooting this thing for fun.


Dude, you can make a gun from anything, and any size. I could make a gun with a pen and a rubber band.

The harder part to smuggle would be the bullets.


What I would do is not eat for 2-3 days, swallow a bladder and fill it gunpowder or a highly flammible substance. Swallow a fuse that is attached to my uvula. Get on a plane and mid flight pull out the fuse, and light it and yell. LALALALALA


You aint stopping no waterproof fuse. ;)


Screw your little 1 shooter, I am taking down the whole plane!



Edited by vandium
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Dude, you can make a gun from anything, and any size. I could make a gun with a pen and a rubber band.

The harder part to smuggle would be the bullets.


What I would do is not eat for 2-3 days, swallow a bladder and fill it gunpowder or a highly flammible substance. Swallow a fuse that is attached to my uvula. Get on a plane and mid flight pull out the fuse, and light it and yell. LALALALALA


You aint stopping no waterproof fuse. ;)


Screw your little 1 shooter, I am taking down the whole plane!





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Dude, you can make a gun from anything, and any size. I could make a gun with a pen and a rubber band.

The harder part to smuggle would be the bullets.


What I would do is not eat for 2-3 days, swallow a bladder and fill it gunpowder or a highly flammible substance. Swallow a fuse that is attached to my uvula. Get on a plane and mid flight pull out the fuse, and light it and yell. LALALALALA


You aint stopping no waterproof fuse. ;)


Screw your little 1 shooter, I am taking down the whole plane!




what the hell, lol

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what the hell, lol



I pulled that out of my ass as soon as he said somthing about terrorists on a plane.

For some reason I can pull crazy shit out of my ass in an instant...

(wonder if it has anything to do with shoving weird shit in there as well?..)

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