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Portal 2 Opinions


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I Pre-ordered it.


I am still playing the game and i have gotten to the boss fight. I will edit my post if my opinion changes.


The whole story and the smooth graphics was definitely worth the pre-order.

From the beginning to the the boss every bit of storyline is excellent. Hearing about Wheatley, glados's past and the potatoes.

It has a really good sense of humour and some level of seriousness.


The graphics are also really awesome, i think they have improved quite a bit.

Everything from old aperture to the new chambers. It is sweet!


It was worth the wait.

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Portal 2. Review by Chicago 'Nick' Ted1.


Storyline: 10/10. Took twists I never though would happen and actually held my interest through some of the more frustratingly long puzzles. Great ending too. That song is going on my iPod.


Graphics: 10/10. Great on the cutscenes and the game.


Gameplay: 8/10. I personally dont like going to past anything in games (Except for TMNT:TIT) and this is no exception. The atmoshpere of the past bothers me, and thats one reason, along with the creativity run amok of the new gels and bridges, this part gets an 8.


Total: 8/10. Perfect for renting for a week, and finishing co-op and single player with, but I would wait until a big price drop and/or DLC to purchase this game.


Did this for another forum. This is my review of the 360 version.

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