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Possible Admin Abuse

((su)) Why-U-Mad

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Hey, i was playing jailbreak as a ct, i shot an admin who was rebelling and was red and i was teamlocked for it.... i dont understand why.... Please let me know why this was done and if i can be taken off teamlock, here is a copy of it from console:

((su)) Why-U-Madâ„— killed [HG] Racker16 with m4a1.

[HeLLsGamers HeLLbreak] ((su)) Why-U-Madâ„— killed the rioter [HG] Racker



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Abuser's Name: [HG] Racker16

Abuser's SteamID: Unknown

Server: Jailbreak

Reason: I was playing jailbreak as a ct, i shot an admin who was rebelling and was red and i was teamlocked for it.... i dont understand why.... Please let me know why this was done and if i can be taken off teamlock.

Proof: here is a copy of it from console:

((su)) Why-U-Mad℗ killed [HG] Racker16 with m4a1.

[HeLLsGamers HeLLbreak] ((su)) Why-U-Mad℗ killed the rioter [HG] Racker

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I think at this point, if you are not sure of our rules...

you can refer to the MOTD and play T.


Many admins may be more vigilant about persistent freekillers.

1 freekill shouldn't entitle someone to be teamlocked however, poor behaviour may justify such actions.

no proof, nothing can be done further alas.

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