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Brink Server


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Hey Hellsgamers!


I was wondering if the community was gunna come out with some Brink servers at all when the game comes out? Im pretty pumped for it, I preordered the game and a server (max slots are suppose to be 16). I know about Hellsgamers cause I have played on some of your CS:S server and TF2 servers. But I was wondering if its possible that I can add my brink server to the list, and add the Hellsgamers URL to the title(and whatever) to spread my server around and hopefully get daily players into it. I check the rules above this thread(once posted) and it didn't say anything about servers, or asking to donate a server. I look through the categories and I figured this was the best place to put it. And you might think I'm totally new to the servers since I just made a Forum username maybe, but I'm not, I've been on em. So its not just a way for me to get my Brink Server popular.


It will be located in Chicago and a 16 slot(max slot number).



progz :cheesy:

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Oh alright. I was just wondering if it was just possible. But it seems like this "group/clan" gets sponsored by one of the best server providers on the net. Sorry about the late responds guys,(better then never ;) ). But yeah the option to do so is still out there. Im willing to give of course the admins of Hells Gamers and changed the server name to whatever. I'd just like to have a nice popular Brink server. So I'm willing to work with you guys, if something can work out! :) And if it matters to anyone, it isn't just to get a popular server going. But I like playing on the Hellsgamers servers cause alot of them post the stats (so I come to this website once in awhile to check em out, thats also why it took so long to reply to my OWN thread.) Anyways, I do have my server already preordered so I hope an Admin or 'supervisor' of some sort can possible PM me with some good news! :) I mean if anything its a "win, win" for both Hellsgamers and myself.

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