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HG | Vetman - Perp


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1. Abuser name: HG | Vetman

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:25886657

3. What server: Perp

4. About what time: Very long time, I've put up with him.

5. PROOF:http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/f5/vetmandisrespect.jpg http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/32/vetmanrdm_.jpg

6. Please tell us about the incident:


I have put up with vetman for months. He has always talked constant shit in 10mans, called me names, tried to make me mad, and I brushed it off. He continues to do things and I'm starting to get fed up with it.


In the first screenshot I linked, He kicks me for admin disrespect. He calls me a "kid" which he knows annoys me, and I said.. Don't call me a kid vetman, you're 14. Younger then I am. Which he is, I'm only stating the facts, He kicked me for disrespect. I never said anything is wrong with being 14, I never said anything like that. I just said you're 14.


In the Second screenshot I linked, He shot me with his glock down and broke my legs. He said "Get off my yard" When I clearly was on the sidewalk which isn't owned by him but is owned by the government. He shot me down and broke my legs because it makes you walk very very slowly and I couldn't move around. He, also in the back of the screenshot shot me while I was sitting in Orions car and blew up the car, then shot me when it forced me out. After bleeding out from him shooting me I came back like 5 minutes later to pick up someone and this is when he breaks my legs.


He continued to threaten me and treat me like a child. He does this because he's an admin which in my eyes makes it even more wrong. We have both had our fights, but I've left him alone recently and he just tries to do everything to abuse me. I accidently ran over him once earlier and then he slapped me 4 times with his admin stick, which I simply it blew off.


He does this every time I'm in the server and he tries to do everything in his power to make me upset or do something to kick me. This has been going on for a very long time and people often complain about him. He always adds his 2 cents in on all my conversations. I was joking with lack then threatened to kick me. He said THIS IS YOUR SECOND WARNING. He treats me like trash. Being in HG or not, he has taken this to far and I do not deserve this.

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With how much you disrespected me in the server, you're lucky i only kicked you.


1). Overall disrespect towards me and others (Its in the server logs)

2). Constantly coming to my house and causing drama

3). Killing Sync with your car


I could've banned you for a day since this is a third offence after multiple warnings and 2 kicks. I tried to give you chances to not attempt to cause drama in the server and somehow show it was accidental. But you kept on pushing it and pushing it. You asked for what you got. Talking down to me saying "You're 14" Isnt too respectful, now is it? You seem to be leaving holes in your report of previous times in the server that led up to this that would bash your argument into pieces.


And as i said in another ban report that was put up this week, you cant provide 1 screenshot and compensate for 10 seconds of game play with it. It doesent really work.


The funny thing is, you act like you should get relieved of your punishments because you were in HG. You don't get special treatment. If you cause problems in the server I'm going to take action; no questions asked. You need to follow the rules, I've seen many examples of you CDMing, RDMing, and disrespecting other players. Needless to say, this will be continued tomorrow when Soccer gets on and we can look at those logs. ^_^

Edited by Vetman
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With how much you disrespected me in the server, you're lucky i only kicked you.


1). Overall disrespect towards me and others (Its in the server logs)

2). Constantly coming to my house and causing drama

3). Killing Sync with your car


I could've banned you for a day since this is a third offence after multiple warnings and 2 kicks. I tried to give you chances to not attempt to cause drama in the server and somehow show it was accidental. But you kept on pushing it and pushing it. You asked for what you got. Talking down to me saying "You're 14" Isnt too respectful, now is it? You seem to be leaving holes in your report of previous times in the server that led up to this that would bash your argument into pieces.


And as i said in another ban report that was put up this week, you cant provide 1 screenshot and compensate for 10 seconds of game play with it. It doesent really work.


I wasn't talking down to you because you're 14. I just stated the facts. You warned me about thing you weren't even their for but when I ask you say. "I wasn't even there" I've left you alone. You continue to talk shit. "Everyone is glad you quit" Etc. I could care less vetman. You talk shit in teamspeak and talking. Demos don't work and you stop when anyone starts recording. I apologized to sync, it's not your business, you weren't even there. I only came to your house because I was invited to. I brought orions car back and you shoot me.


I showed 2 screenshots, and I never stated I was in any way trying to get you into trouble. Just bringing it to the attention of other members. As jetta said staff and council only. This is my last post, I asked.

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I wasn't talking down to you because you're 14. I just stated the facts. You warned me about thing you weren't even their for but when I ask you say. "I wasn't even there" I've left you alone. You continue to talk shit. "Everyone is glad you quit" Etc. I could care less vetman. You talk shit in teamspeak and talking. Demos don't work and you stop when anyone starts recording. I apologized to sync, it's not your business, you weren't even there. I only came to your house because I was invited to. I brought orions car back and you shoot me.


I showed 2 screenshots, and I never stated I was in any way trying to get you into trouble. Just bringing it to the attention of other members. As jetta said staff and council only. This is my last post, I asked.


I've said this to a lot of people now. I'm trusted admin, not super. I don't have the power to fly around and do all the flips and stuff they can do. Its in the logs of the server, you disrespected me multiple times. I gave you chances, you stomped them ALL into the dust. I was extremely lenient with you this week. Even after i said "Dont push me" you still decided to push your luck further and further off the edge. I'm pretty sure you asked for what you got.

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