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The road from suspecting to certainty (or when to bitch or not about hackers)

Pensive's Wetness

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how do you really prove that someone is walling? or just good? stats? placing yourself in locations that unless someone provides indirect LOS on radar (and the play is PRO enough to use that information acurately)


i pretty much detest the AWPers here but thats unavoidable. if you want to inflat your stats, camp with multiple AWPs (and with the Ts not rushing out, winner!) buts its when your getting owned (and i also hate that F*&^ING red image on stats) that you get frustrated and doubtful of many things...


anyway im ranting. have a day :D


oh, and do you think the ultimate insult is to Steam Friend someone your currently dominating? Hope the island of Nassau enjoys some good hurricanes this season...

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