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[RESOLVED - Admin Removed] STEAM_0:0:9698068 (K!ll3r)


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Im on the 24/7 office server which "Team|υѕмс K!ll3r [HG]" STEAM_0:0:9698068" recently got admin and he was telling someone named "im a jew luls" to change his name or be kicked. So i said "killer you can kick him because of his name" he said "yes i can beacuse its racist" then im like "actually the kid is saying hes a jew and hes not hurting anyone else" we went on for a minute "debating" and and he got mad and said i was mic spamming all because i was helping and sticking up for someone bc they did nothing wrong? and he muted me and the next round i was very mad so i was like "KILLER YOU CAN't MUTE SOMEONE BC THEY HAVE A SAY IN A SITUATION" than he muted again and even ""Elmo" STEAM_0:0:15649323" said "Killer let boom have his say" and killers like "No, im not listening to boom running his ****ing mouth" and i left and came bace to undo mut bc i was really mad and i just really think it was admin abuse and action should be tooken because "he said he called Homer and got admin free?????" like WTF and since i was mad everyone else got mad at me because i was yelling at killer after the 2nd mute and its not even believable then he was threatening to ban me???

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seems like bickering that should have been avoided.


im pretty sure we already banned him and removed admin a few months ago



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thats not what was sadi he told me to stfu and that i couldnt do shit i think a admin has a right to determine if someone name offends them i have friends who are jewish thats also why i asked him to change his name and i bought my admin i can show you the payment threw paypal but not only that hes annoying and telling everyone to stfu and getting there ips and trying to find there address thats not cool also i think he should be banned for the fact of that and no following the rules and telling 3 admins to STFU

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Boom you can't say stfu to a guy who's trying to make one to change his name that might offend another.

So you :stfu:

You just jumped in and intervened when you weren't even included.

I don't mute people for those saying stfu to me but when someone else does you stay with it, I would guess even Deagle would done the same.

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OK. Time to stop this trainwreck. Let's go over this rule again.


No racism. This means no:

-- "I hate _____ (enter ethnicity/race/religion here)."

-- " ____ are stupid because..."

-- etc.


There are no ifs, ands, or buts. We do not tolerate derogatory speech in our servers. If you have an obsessive need to debate race/religion/ethnicity, I'm sure you can find various other forums or vents or whichever to do so. Not here.



Debate over.


That is what lamp said. So Killer was following the rules. Please don't say that is no fair because the ALMIGHTY LAMP! Is never Wrong, except for playing wow more than css

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