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It looks like a fun game. I will try it out, but I'm going to wait to play it because all my money I've saved up is for L.A. Noire.


Is L.A. Noire really good? I've heard a few bad things about it since it's French style, and all, but looks good. Brink is gonna be pretty amazing oouup inb4 10 yr. old rages, and hacks!

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i bought the game and played from midnight when it came out til 3am, slept woke up at 6 to fake sick and play til 5pm


solo sucks, your teammates just go for secondary objectives the which, even though they make a difference, is unnecessary to the time left to complete the main objective and the teams need for it ion order to complete it


MP is the best, unless your teammates do nothing b/c having 1-2 lonewolves will lose the game for you


the challenges are fun, especially the parkour one


they did a great job with smart, easy to do hard to master...perfect


not a lot of bugs


more of like a borderlands typr of gameplay, 1\4 of a clip will kill someone


annoying with the revive system, a headshot should = no revive


annoying when its shoot,kill,shoot,die,wait for revive, kill, die repeat(this happens when youre out in the open)


they have a leaning system ie:q to lean left e to lean right, but noone really knows this it helps you from dying alot


they focused the gun attachments more on cosmetics ex: theres 4 flashhiders and 3 different reflex sights just for looks


theres alott of guns, a shitload of smgs, theres one gun where its like a 4shot kill that everyone uses which defeats the purpose of all the guns


classes and its attributes are good




Overall: like tf2, cod, and assassins creed put together. it seems like they rushed the graphics but style of gameplays great


i wouldnt say its worth $50, more like $20-$30



they are going to release their dev kit out as well as free dlcs in a couple months so it will get so much better

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It looks like a fun game. I will try it out, but I'm going to wait to play it because all my money I've saved up is for L.A. Noire.


Winning! Except I'm just renting it through Gamefly.


I don't typically buy games unless they have an awesome multiplayer element. That's the beauty of Gamefly. If I like it enough, I can choose to keep it at 10% off of the already discounted rate.

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