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Left 4 Dead dedicated server...


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So I've been trying to get a dedicated server set up off of my computer so I can mess around with my friends with mods and stuff. I've followed and looked through many a forum for srcds.exe, and I seemingly have all the little problems out... but I'm still unable to connect to my own server. This is all through a router with udp/tcp ports 27000-27030 forwarded.


Is it even possible to connect to an internet dedicated server that you are hosting off of the same computer? I am able to ping the server via openserverbrowser in game (the same way you can view/ping servers in cs:s)



but I get a connection failure after 10 retries.



The server shows up on lan with my internal ip, which is what people have said it should be. Typing status into the dedicated server shows


udp/ip: [ public 76.190.xxx.xxx:27015 ]


Any words of wisdom would be appreciated ~.~

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I can connect directly to it if it's set to lan/not on the internet. And I when I do host locally through the actual game, the ip for the server is my internal ip and does not connect to the internet.


I think I'm just going to give up hope and stick to hosting the LAN games on the weekends... :(

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Den, you can put this in the command line and/or the server.cfg...

sv_lan 0
sv_region 255

Little more help with that region junk... You can pick which one, its up to you. i just put 255 so more people can join your server.


eastcoast - sv_region 0
westcoast - sv_region 1
south america - sv_region 2
europe - sv_region 3
asia - sv_region 4
australia - sv_region 5
middle east - sv_region 6
africa - sv_region 7
world - sv_region 255 


if that dont work, then idk.




To have people connect, go to http://www.whatismyip.com/

and have people connect from your ip.


like... connect 67.53.663.77:27015 <--Not my real IP, just an example.

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if its ok with dirty we could set up a FTP account so you could access one of our L4D servers. they are hardly used any more since valve made the update.


either that, or ask dirty he might know how to fix your problem

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  • 2 weeks later...

Your problem is most likely a routing issue or firewall issue. Do you happen to have a DSL connection.. or if cable does your coxial cable plug straight into your router.


The reason i ask...is that some cable modems/dsl boxes that are supplied from various ISP actually have NAT addressing and portforwarding built into the cable modem/dsl box. This can often cause problems I know i ran into this problem trying to run Starcraft (yea an old ass game) and i had to dig fairly deep into the DSL box to configure properly.


Couple way's to test this theory would be to plug your internet straight into your dedicated server (no router, no cable modem, or dsl box) then have a friend (obviously w/ an outside internet connection) try to connect to your server via your external IP. This will eliminate any hardware variables that may be causing your connection problems.


As far as your question..."Is it even possible to connect to an internet dedicated server that you are hosting off of the same computer?" I have not tested this w/ the game your trying to host but you should be able to connect to your dedicated server via your dedicated server using both the internal/external IP address providing proper routing is taken place. And your server has enuff muscle to run both the server side and game client at the same time. But it would not be recommended but i assume you want to achieve this just for testing purposes. However, if the server software and game client share similar resources and/or are hardcoded to use certain ports in order to properly communicate data in/out that may cause it to not be possible (well w/o modding)


(This is a pure look at your problem from a networking point of view, use w/e tidbits of information and troubleshooting steps @ your discretion...it could be something small like 1 check box in the server side gui of your game, or a config file with a misc character in the wrong place)


Anyways good luck



Edit: You might try this link and see if this helps. http://kenzuke.net/?p=464

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