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Ps3 vs Xbox360


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inb4 Flamewar closes this.


Anyway, they both have their flaws, but the glaring omission at this point is Sony's outdated security and poor customer service alienating the common fan customer's base, and left only Sony Fanboys to revel in their PS3. In the common fans eyes paying for Xbox Live is safer cause, well, you get what you pay for.


Also, it seems like Xbox has better dedicated games (Save for Heavy Rain.)


I pick Xbox 360, but nothing will beat PC.

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well im looking to buy a console now lol, i sued to have 360 and ps3, but gave them away to my gf little brothers, im a PC gamer, but now that LA noire is coming up, well i need a console to play it.


My other issue is that when i'm with my Gf at home, im on my pc playing, while she uses her ipad so there is a connection problem between us lol,

I want a console that we can play and have fun, i have a Wii but i got tired of it, so i was looking at Kinect and move?


But today Microsoft announced Skipe for Xbox360, so overall it seems that the 360 has more to offer.


I need ya opinions


which is more fun,

is it true Ps3 has better graphics?

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Ps3 has better graphics and a free online gaming service. But as you have seen, they dont have the greatest security, and they pissed off Anonymous, so until they make amends with them, the PSN will be spotty at best.


Xbox has weaker graphics and paid service to play, but they have more dedicated servers for gaming, more features (I think. I havent ever played on a PS3) such as Skype, Facebook, etc. I got a Kinect for Beta Testing it (Beta Testing for wins.) and it just sits on my mantle collecting dust. But im fat and I didnt get an Xbox to play motion gaming. Also, the room is too small for more than one person to play. It works pretty well, but some games are good while you need to avoid others.


All in all, I side with the 360, but to each their own. After what Sony did to LG, Geohot, and now the PSN subscribers, I wont turn to them for entertainment anytime soon.

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Ps3 had better graphics and a free online gaming service. But as you have seen, they dont have the greatest security, and they pissed off Anonymous, so until they make amends with them, the PSN will be spotty at best.


At this point in time, the 360 and PS3 graphics are barely differentiable, if at all. I've seen side-by-side screen shot comparisons where the 360 was actually better looking. Plus, Microsoft offers online play at the moment while PSN will be down for a few more weeks.

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Ok it seems that u guys have 360, that's another thing im looking into, play with my clan friends, and it seems there's more 360 players here than ps3.


Now, in the Multiplayer section? 360 has a better Multiplayer experience?

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Lets put it this way. PS3=Credit info stolen...I bet you some random kid just got belted till his ass obliterated for his parents seeing large purchases of porn...But it is free [the PSN] and gr8 graphyx


XBox 3shityy....Good exclusive games...Good online but u have to pay for it...RROD and horrible customer service


Xbox also has contracts with game companys like Rockstar and Treyarch (or whoever the hell owns COD series) and they get DLC ealier tha other consoles

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XBox 3shityy....Good exclusive games...Good online but u have to pay for it...RROD and horrible customer service


RROD was fixed like a year ago where you at + ps3 had YLOD around the same time.



Ok guys if you dont want to be exclusive like me and my 360 then go over to sony and get your stuff stolen lolololol.

Just pay for live if you get it during one of the sales its like 20$ a year.

Graphics are very similar to a ps3 there is no difference in the quality.

Xbox is for the exclusive :).

And you have to be an idiot to try to hack the biggest software company in the world


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Xbox 360, since Xbox Live actually is Live unlike PSN. You get what you pay for with Xbox, with PS3 you pay nothing for PSN but you don't get PSN.


i do not get your point. Xbox fanboy?



RROD was fixed like a year ago where you at + ps3 had YLOD around the same time.



Ok guys if you dont want to be exclusive like me and my 360 then go over to sony and get your stuff stolen lolololol.

Just pay for live if you get it during one of the sales its like 20$ a year.

Graphics are very similar to a ps3 there is no difference in the quality.

Xbox is for the exclusive :).

And you have to be an idiot to try to hack the biggest software company in the world



You are the reason why xbox360 has such a bad reputation, damn trolls

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I have both systems and to be honest the only thing I really use my PS3 for is for plugging my external HD up to play movies since it's quieter than the 360. I prefer playing on the 360 even though graphics are better on the PS3. What I hate about PS3 is it seems like there is always a huge ass system update that takes forever to download anytime I turn it on.


Plus, I've already got all these gamerpoints for 360 :P

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  • 2 months later...

PS3 is the best for one reason and one reason only, online play is free. Simple, who doesn't like the sound of the word free. Xbox makes it's players pay for quote on quote "quality online gaming experience", where as PS3, they understand that people can't afford to pay to play online, I mean, who would want to waste money to play online when you can use that money for other purposes. Since I have been playing Killzone 3 at my friends house alot on the PS3, I have come to realize that the PS3 is the best Console system in the world. If you honestly want to pay to play online like you do for Xbox, then by all means, do so. But, if you want to play online for free and still get the same service as Xbox players do, then you my friend, are making the right choice. PS3 FOR THE WIN!

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