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So this is strange i just come back to HG and made that post on here about coming back like3-4 days ago or so useing Firefox right.


Well now Firefox won't load our forums it crashes firefox for me every single time. I deleted cookies, checked for viruses, reinstalled firefox completly but yet nothing it still trys to load but crashes. Any ideas?!


I am useing IE right now to load it but I hate IE and i don't want to switch i love firefox a hell of alot but just give opinions on how to fix this if any ty :P

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tryed it.. it didn't work either idk what it is sigh sucks big time i know this firefox4.0 beta there newest one so maybe some bugs idk yet but i deleted the crash crap outa the main folder so now no crashes will pop up asking me to send to them annoyingly but still can't load hellsgamers but can load any other site doesn't make sense

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I hear registry entry QQing possibly , ccleaner can help with that.


Second I would try is doing a custom install of firefox to a completely different directory, then try running it again.


Do you get any specific error messages when it crashes?

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Try uninstalling Firefox completely (deleting all files etc) and then installing a clean version of the beta again. If you are still having the problem it is most likely a bug in the beta and will be fixed in the next version, which is the downfall of using pre-released browsers. I'd assume this will probably fix it though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i said screw it and completly just reformatted my computer idk what was happening i ran avast virus detection and malaware bites and nothing was found i defragged...disk checked everything possible basically and my comp was still running slow i think i might of had a hidden TRJ that my virus detection couldn't find or a rootkit that was hidden blocking crap out. So reformmated just today and everything is running great now :) Much easier

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firefox is already installed i know the update has alot of bugs in it but i checked before downloading didn't see any viruses and i downloaded the newest pro version of Avast witch now actually searches pages repeatively checking it out for anything possible even errors. Also goes by votes now on what sites are good and etc


Firefox seems to be running fine slow somtimes other then that it loads the same as always.

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