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Servers being attacked late nights


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Dear Staff,


I've notice a lot of hackers coming on late at night recently doing mic spams etc. It seems like there is a purpose when they come in, they don't play normal, instead it seems like they are making players leave on purpose.


I don't want to point fingers and have no proof yet, but I believe it's another community I use to be a part of and the admins there do these childish stuff because they see our server has a lot of people playing on it so they cause problems to make them leave. When players leave ofcourse they find another server to play.


Noob Galore has been known to do those kind of things and they do it to Noob Salad and Noob Refuge. After bringing a lot of players to our DM server, I feel that they are using the same tactics to HG. I have no proof but please be aware. Thought I pass this information to the staff.




China Man

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We don't have many complaints about it, so I don't think it is a huge issue.

This kind of thing happens with popular clusters, and its almost flattering. ;)


You know when your cluster has become large and popular when you get a lot of people trying to cause problems with the servers and forums. And yes, those people are usually from another cluster of servers trying to get population.

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It's not our business to talk trash about them here. If they do it in the servers then take action, whether it be a mute or a ban don't allow it. If it is from another community, that is if the person is stupid enough to put their tag on and do such a thing then report them to a staff our council member. I've had discussions with the old and current leader about members of NG crashing our servers, usually something happens to them. :P Keep it fun. If it gets out of hand we can deal with it.

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basically whenever they come in and pull this BS, we all get together and go into the NG office server and stack on T and totally just camp projector, round after round for hours. that usually teaches em

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Most of the larger communities work together to put a stop to shenanigans like this, as, in the end, petty attacks on servers only hurt both parties. If you see someone from another community trying to cause a problem in our server, get steam IDs and names. On the flip side, anyone trying to cause trouble with another community in HG's name will be subject to punishment, usually level 4 bannination.

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