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Need Comptuer Savvies!!


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1. Computor broken!

2. I turn on computor bios come up fine trys to boot fails

3. I see black screen!

4. Trys to restart..repeat 2 and 3!


The windows has failed to load thing? Vista?


I just got that last Sunday, as soon as the Windows icon came up the bar would load halfway then shut off.


Solution = reformat without possibility of backup(unless you've got them already)

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Do you get any post beeps? Not going past that point usually means something important is broked (or dislodged). I agree with Lamp about it probably being the CPU. Might want to check contact with the sink on the chip, and the sink to the board. Reseating RAM never hurt anything, and it's actually fixed some dumb problems I've had from time to time.

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venom are you getting past the post screen? and are their any beeps when you first turn on your computer. not booting into a os could be multiple reasons for that. could have a hard drive failure etc. any way i need some technical data before i can diagnose your problem. also need your motherboard info.

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Go to BIOS to the part where you can set the boot priorities and choose HDD.

Remove all discs and USB Drives from your computer keep your fingers crossed and then try to boot.

If it doesnt work, make a huge fire and throw your HDD in it.

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its not a temperature problem if he is getting boot problems before the computer even posts. that would be a huge dust problem and you need to blow the case out and all components that have inputs on them as well. also, there can be a number of issues based on the info you have given us. have you done any sort of installations/removals of software very shortly before getting these errors? when the black screen pops up, is there a blinking underscore? do you get any messages after leaving the pc on for about 10 minutes after the black screen pops up? have you been running an anti-virus and regular computer scans? were you trying to do anything that you were not sure of what you were doing? again, a number of things can be wrong here with what you've told us so please give any little details you can about any errors you were getting prior to these problems.

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-Street Tranny Porn soooooo last year! Its all about watching people ride unicycles naked with socks on SO SEXY!!

-Jetta I knew we should of stopped after I started to bleed thanks....

-D3n I went on Craigslist and bought this piece of shit dell that I'm on for 20 bucks you ass!

-Terry you will still hit it before me don't sweat


I tried to fuckin load a video shit dont work!! Try again later........

Tried the ram thing no bueno, no new installs, everthing wired up correctly, fans all work, its plugged into a power outlet, my moms gay, and everthing in my bios options look correct...

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not a hardware problem if you got into bios unless your hard drive failed


i say, fuck it and reformat it. reformatting always works, not like you got anything really important anyways? it's the GIRL way out.

Edited by GIR[]_
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